Hi guys!
It's me again - Moritz the JBL intern.
As you may have guessed from my last video ( The JBL Intern - It Starts Here! ) the current COVID situation meant I was only able to see the administration, research & development, quality control and the individual production and logistics areas from the outside.
What I didn't know before was that almost all of these operating areas are located on the same site. Only the production of technical products is carried out in close cooperation with external companies that have been working for JBL for decades. But the assembly and functional testing, design and planning are back in Neuhofen again.
I was really surprised at the size of the office buildings and warehouses and the site was much bigger than I expected too (you can read the lowdown here Empresa ).
Another thing I noticed immediately that there were solar systems installed on the roofs of all the buildings. More amazing still were the modern bio-filter systems to purify the air coming from the factories. There was no way of knowing that fish food is produced here!
So environmental protection and sustainability play an important role here too!
On my way back to my workplace, I was guided through the main building and introduced to all the departments working there. I have to say that as a native Franconian, I find the Palatine dialect a bit of a challenge, but I’ll get used to it!
Apart from that I immediately noticed that many of the rooms were equipped with aquariums and that product placements and pictures from the JBL expeditions were everywhere to be seen. (If you’re interested, you’ll find the reports of the past expeditions here: Expedições )
My first task was to search the web for companies that customize shoes. This was because JBL wants dedicated shoes for its employees.
After that my “to do" list saw me researching for an online project and updating the JBL ProScan app.
( JBL PROSCAN ) , ( Apple Store ), ( Play Store )
Lastly, I familiarised myself with the JBL data protection regulations.
All in all, I’d describe the start of my internship at JBL as interesting and enjoyable.
I can’t wait to see what the coming weeks will bring!