Happy New Year 2023 - The JBL SNEAK PREVIEW

First of all we’d like to say THANK YOU! Thank you for your role in creating a strong myJBL community. 

We wish you a Happy New Year 2023 and lots of joy with our wonderful hobbies aquaristics, terraristics and garden pond. 

Almost 200 people work at JBL. Many of them are garden pond owners themselves or are committed aquarium or terrarium keepers. Even our 3rd generation managing director, Stella Kaltenmeier-Böhme, loves her office aquarium and looks after it herself. We are a family business and that is a core value for us. We are committed to simple hobbies and to safeguarding these hobbies in the future. Not only with products or services, but also politically, socially and through voluntary involvement in the sector. Sustainability is not just a slogan at JBL. We have been continuously expanding it and finding new ways to implement it for over 15 years, long before any external requirements or financial benefits required us to do so. 

For these reasons I can honestly say that I am happy to be a part of this family and look forward to our community and the team every day. My online marketing team has continued to grow over the past year and each of us loves the hobby.  

We are at your service

We are not only there for you digitally. Our field service team goes on the road for you all over Europe and looks after local specialist dealers, organises trade fairs and promotions and carries out product training courses, all of which keeps us extremely close to the market and allows us to take on board your feedback and requests. We also have key account managers to look after our many overseas customers. We can proudly say that JBL is available in almost 70 countries around the world. This dialogue ensures we never lose touch with the market and the hobby. 

Because at the end of the day, it's all about one thing: your preferences. 

We develop products for animals. We know their needs and conduct research every year on the JBL Expedições , to gain new insights and to check and question existing knowledge. This is the only way to clear up misinformation and myths. 

By the way, just two months ago we were on our last expedition in Colombia with more than 30 customers, experts and private persons. A great experience and intensive time spent on our hobby, with the people who live and love it. You couldn't get any closer to the JBL brand or experience more unforgettable moments. 

It's about you

But, if we're honest, it's not just about the animals. It's also about you. You also have your preferences and requirements for a product. We give these a space. Be it in the product reviews on our website, personal conversations on site or in the Customer Service Center with personal support.  

My goal is that JBL is always there for you. We have started to implement this in recent years and also improved and added a few more building blocks in 2022. Service begins long before the purchase of a product and does not end with it. We stand for the responsible treatment of animals and we help every hobbyist. 

This was 2022 - Review

Now I’d like to look back at the last year for you. We introduced more than 255 new articles to the market. You won’t have missed the introduction of the new PRONOVO species food (more information can be found here: Consultor de alimentação ). 

But the expansion of the JBL PROFLORA CO2 range to include the popular V sets ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 BASIC SET V , JBL PROFLORA CO2 ADVANCED SET V and JBL PROFLORA CO2 PROFESSIONAL SET V ) and the glass diffusers in two new sizes ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN GLASS ) is also part of the range, as are numerous individual products. Well-known examples are: JBL Reptil LED Daylight 13W , JBL Mangueira para aquário VERDE in 4/6 mm or the JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W Multi. The popular JBL PROAQUATEST  Teste de água articles were also added and these are available internationally. I almost forgot about the JBL PRONOVO AUTOFOOD BLACK and JBL PRONOVO AUTOFOOD WHITE , which will come with a new adapter from now on.

In addition to the many products, we also refreshed and further expanded our range of content in the Aquarium, Terrarium and Pond ( Temas ), added new calculators and help, created useful videos and published 16 new episodes of JBL TV.

There are several thousand new posts with pictures to be found on social media, be it TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or YouTube, as well as countless new videos from the year 2022 alone. The myJBL blog published over 100 new entries for you this year. Offering you useful content is our top priority and we intend it to answer common questions and fill knowledge gaps. 

In addition, we organised 7 big competitions and carried out over 10 different #jbldeal campaigns (  #jbldeal ) online and offline. The numerous entries and redemptions from the myJBL community are proof of the many wishes we responded to.

In marketing and sales it is relatively easy to show successes and results and to get positive feedback for them. Yet without our colleagues in logistics, purchasing and production, the many products and the high availability of the entire range on the market would never have been possible. And the jobs of our other colleagues in the office, such as accounting, quality assurance or research, also make a significant contribution to our ability to continue to make great strides. 

Behind the scenes, we also optimised many processes in 2022, acquired new machines and systems or expanded them in order to be able to bring ever more advanced products with high quality requirements onto the market. An additional burden for all colleagues, but a worthwhile one. 

This is what's coming in 2023 - SNEAK PREVIEW

I've already written a lot and the "hottest" part for you is still to come. What's coming in 2023? We’ve already announced 155 new items that will be launched in the first months of the year.

Among them are numerous articles from the PRONOVO species concept, which was introduced to the market in just over 8 months. The new food is already available throughout Europe and fascinates even old hands who weren’t interested in changing their feed. But also smaller innovations like the popular JBL Torneira dupla + Acoplamento rápido in size 19/25 will be available as early as January. 

Now ready for delivery in time for the pond season is the JBL PROPOND AUTOFOOD , which was sold out at the end of last year.  

Looking at the roadmap of new products, I could give many more details and hints now, but I don't want to anticipate the excitement of 2023 too much. This much is certain: there are still some great new products in the pipeline.  

It's not only on the product level that innovations await you in 2023. In addition to new competitions and #jbldeal campaigns, we have some real highlights for you. These will include the new JBL podcast #Tropenfieber (Tropical Fever), and also the PRONOVO Roadshow, which starts soon and requires your live participation. We’ll be presenting both in more detail soon. 

In terms of content, you can count on lots of new video clips on our social media channels, a brand new JBL TV format and spectacular campaigns with our influencers. I'm sure we'll really get our community glowing once again. How about an additional livestream format? Of course, you can also meet us in person on site in 2023. For this purpose, we’ll be offering promotions with our partners at your local pet suppliers and be present at trade fairs. 

And naturally our team is continuing to work on various issues in the background, but it would take too long to tell you everything.

So that’s enough from me. I hope you enjoyed this more personal and conversational format. I decided a conventional dry report would be too outdated and not my style. Hence the new format this year. 

What would you like from JBL?

What do you want from JBL? Are there any products that you feel are missing from the range? Are there features you would like to see in your existing JBL product? 

Let us know. Write your ideas in the comments of this myJBL blog post. 


Our success would not be possible without you - for that we say  THANK YOU.

We will continue to work tirelessly on our projects and be there for you in 2023. Especially in these volatile times with unrest, financial uncertainties and rising costs (by the way, here is an interesting article on  Custos de energia ), we would like to give something back to you: a piece of stability and security. 

The GarantiePlus and the Satisfação dos clientes are available to you free of charge as premium services. 

I wish you a successful and happy 2023 with many positive experiences and time for the hobby. 

Yours, Matthias Wiesensee and the JBL Team

© 01.01.2023
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Sobre mim: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


Uma breve informação sobre cookies, antes de prosseguirmos

A página web da JBL também utiliza vários tipos de cookies para lhe poder oferecer a funcionalidade completa e muitos serviços: os cookies técnicos e funcionais são imprescindíveis para que tudo funcione quando visita esta página web. Além disso, usamos cookies para o marketing. Este procedimento permite-nos reconhecê-lo quando regressa ao nosso amplo website, medir o sucesso das nossas campanhas, e, mediante os cookies de personalização, dirigir-nos a si de forma individual, direta e adaptada às suas necessidades, mesmo fora da nossa página web. Você pode determinar em qualquer altura, mesmo em uma data posterior, quais cookies permite e quais não deseja permitir (ver mais a esse respeito em "Alterar configurações").

A página web da JBL também utiliza vários tipos de cookies para lhe poder oferecer a funcionalidade completa e muitos serviços: Os cookies técnicos e funcionais são imprescindíveis para que tudo funcione quando visita esta página web. Além disso, usamos cookies para o marketing. Você pode determinar em qualquer altura, mesmo em uma data posterior, quais cookies permite e quais não deseja permitir (ver mais a esse respeito em "Alterar configurações").

Na nossa declaração de proteção de dados explicamos-lhe como processamos os seus dados pessoais e para que finalidades usamos o processamento de dados. explicamos-lhe como processamos os seus dados pessoais e para que finalidades usamos o processamento de dados. Confirme com "Tomei conhecimento" o uso de todos os cookies, para poder continuar.

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Notificações PUSH da JBL

O que são realmente notificações push? Como parte do padrão W3C, as notificações Web definem uma API para notificações de utilizador final que são enviadas através das notificações do navegador para os seus dispositivos fixos e/ou móveis. Nos dispositivos finais, surgem notificações tal como o utilizador final as conhece das apps instaladas no dispositivo (por exemplo, e-mails). Nos dispositivos finais, surgem notificações tal como o utilizador final as conhece das apps instaladas no dispositivo (por exemplo, e-mails).

Estas notificações permitem que um operador de um website possa contactar os seus utilizadores enquanto estes tiverem o navegador aberto - independentemente de estarem a visitar o website no momento ou não.

Para poder enviar notificações Web Push, só é necessário um website com código de Web Push instalado. Assim, as marcas também podem utilizar várias vantagens das notificações push sem apps (comunicações em tempo real personalizadas no momento exato.)

As notificações Web fazem parte do padrão W3C e definem uma API para notificações de utilizador final. Uma notificação permite informar o utilizador sobre um acontecimento, por exemplo, um novo artigo no blogue, independentemente do contexto de um website.

Este serviço é disponibilizado gratuitamente pela JBL GmbH & Co. KG e pode ser ativado ou desativado de forma igualmente simples.