Your membership of the myJBL community gives you exclusive access to special promotions. Loyalty to the JBL brand and trust in our products are rewarded with regular promotions under the keyword #jbldeal. But this is a first at JBL. We have a MEGA #jbldeal for you, where you'll get money back from us.
How do you get the cashback?
You're probably asking yourself the same question. It's really easy! This video shows you how.
You can register all your JBL products in this promotion if you purchased them during the promotional period from April 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023. Each proof of purchase must clearly show the date of purchase and the JBL product.
Where can I upload my proofs of purchase?
You can do that with a few simple steps here: #jbldeal - Campanha Cashback
Here you can also find the conditions of participation in their entirety. Be loyal and get your money back! We'll make it possible.
Please note: Cash back is only available on purchases made in bricks-and-mortar retail outlets. Receipts from online orders are not accepted. You can find all our partners in our Busca de comerciante .