A little brother and a big brother for the JBL family of External Filters

It was only a matter of when the JBL CristalProfi e family would have an addition to the family. The time has come: The new JBL CristalProfi e 401 and 1901 greenline are here to round off the range with a smaller model and a larger one.

As a typical “greenline” representative, the big brother, JBL CristalProfi e 1901, comes with an energy-saving pump head with a power consumption of only 36 W at a flow rate of 1900 l/h! A filter canister volume of 15L results in a particularly high biological filtration capacity and makes it ideally suited for tanks with a volume between 300 and 800 litres. As a special feature, it has rolls on which the filter can be rolled forward for maintenance work in the cabinet, for example. Of course, the rolls are designed so they are vibration damping.

As the little brother, the new JBL CristalProfi e 401 boasts perfect performance in tanks of 40 to 120 litres. Absolutely clear water thanks to the JBL MicoMec special filter medium and a flow rate of 450 l/h at only 4 watts of power input are hard to beat. The smallest JBL external filter is a professional alternative to internal filters, particularly in smaller-sized aquariums.

As with all the JBL filters, both filters are ready for immediate use: Connect the supplied hose and tube accessories, press the start button several times, wait a minute until the water has flowed into the filter and then plug in – and let the filter do its job!

Lieferbar ab 11.11.2013

© 25.09.2013 JBL GmbH & Co. KG

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