Para suporte seguro das cuvetes durante a calibração

  • As cuvetes necessárias para a calibração podem ser inseridas nesta plataforma, de modo que estejam seguras ao encher e calibrar
  • Os relevos na superfície da plataforma proporcionam clareza durante a calibração
  • A 4.ª abertura destina-se ao suporte de elétrodos
  • Material sintético resistente à água
  • Esta plataforma para cuvetes e um elétrodo já está incluída no JBL ProFlora pH Control Touch
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Preço: 0,00 €
Preço de venda recomendado, incl. IVA

Isto também poderá ser de seu interesse

Informações sobre o produto

Este suporte para cuvetes é extremamente prático para a calibração: durante a calibração, o elétrodo de pH está colocado juntamente com o sensor de temperatura e o líquido de calibração de 10 ml na cuvete. Com esta plataforma com os aprofundamentos adequados para as cuvetes, o tombar das cuvetes é impossível.

Lamentamos, este artigo não está mais disponível.


N.º de artigo:
Número EAN:
15x15 cm
Volume embalagem:
0.56 l
Peso ilíquido:
47 g
Peso líquido:
42 g
Conversão de peso:
Dimensões embalagem (c/a/l):
150/25/150 mm


Espécie animal: Aruanã-prateado, Axolotes, Barbos, Bivalves, Caboz, Camarões-anões, Caracóis, Caudas-de-véu, Characiformes, Ciclídeos (América do Sul), Cobitídeos, Corais, Crustáceos, Cágado tropical, Cágados, Danioninae, Discus, Enguias espinhosas, Esturjões, Flowerhorn, Guppy, Killies, Killifish, Koi, Peixes arco íris, Peixes borboleta-africanos, Peixes combatentes, Peixes dourados, Peixes jovens, Peixes-gato, Peixes-labirinto, Polipterídeos/peixes-corda, Tartarugas aquáticas, Tetraodontídeos, Tritões, Vivíparos
Tamanho do animal: Para todos os tamanhos de animais
Grupo etário do animal: Todos os peixes de aquário
Volume do habitat: Para todos os aquários
Material: Plástico (PET)
Cor: branco

Etiqueta eletrónica / iluminação

Mercúrio: Não
Dimerizável: Não
How can the holder for the cuvettes be cleaned?

Should some calibration solution be spilt, simply wipe the tray clean with a soft cloth and warm water.

Blogue (Opiniões e experiências)

JBL TV #1: Why do plants need a CO2 system in the aquarium?

In this video, biologist Heiko Blessin explains why plants need CO2 at all, why aquarium plants have different requirements and how to connect a JBL CO2 system. CO2 fertilisation for aquariums has never been explained more simply or more understandably!

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Components of a ProFlora CO2 System: The Right Setup

Below you will find an outline graphic with examples to explain the structure and interconnections of all the CO2 components.

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Plant aquarium in fast motion with or without CO2

Have you ever had the chance to see how big the difference really is between a plant aquarium with and without CO2 fertilisation?

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Why plants grow better with CO2

The discussion, whether aquariums also work without CO2, is as old as modern aquatics itself. One thing is clear: aquatic plants need carbon for their growth.

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Water values for water plants in detail

If we transfer this Liebig’s Law of the Minimum to the aquatic field it quickly becomes clear how important balanced fertilisation is for plant aquariums.

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The story of liquid CO2 fertilisation – The Effect

In the second part of the series “The story of liquid CO2 fertilisation” we examine how glutaraldehyde containing products work on plants.

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The story of liquid CO2 fertilisation

A lot of aquarists are talking about liquid CO2, which is said to be able to replace a conventional pressurized gas system or a bio-CO2 system.

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Why is carbon dioxide (CO2) the most important plant nutrient in the aquarium?

Carbon dioxide is the nutritional basis for aquatic plants which is supplemented through micro and macronutrients and light. The balance between all these elements is necessary for thriving plant growth in the aquarium.

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There’s more to fertilization than you’d think Part 2

Simply put, Liebig’s Law of the Minimum states that the growth of plants is limited by the scarcest resource. Adding a nutrient which already exists in abundance does not influence the growth.

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Fertilization is not just fertilization Part 1

Unlike in natural waters, aquariums with fish mostly have a surplus of nutrients caused by feeding and the resulting fish excrement. Thus nitrates and phosphates in large (often too large!) quantities are available for the plants.

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Oxygen Explosion in the Aquarium – The Right Fertilisation

Every evening my aquarium resembles a “whirlpool“ with a thousand little oxygen bubbles. This is the time I relax and wind down after a long day.

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JBL pH Electrodes now complete with calibration liquids

Anyone purchasing a new pH electrode also needs a suitable calibration and storage solution to put it into operation professionally and, if necessary, to re-calibrate it. JBL has therefore, with immediate effect, integrated the liquids into the pH electrode sets, ...

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Guias práticos (Tema)

Tipos de aquários biótopos (habitat)

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

O aquário de água salgada

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Tipo de aquário de recife JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Tipo de aquário com peixes-dourados JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Tipo de aquário selvagíneo JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Tipo de aquário com paisagismo aquático JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

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