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N.º de artigo:
Número EAN:
1 Unidade
Volume embalagem:
0.006 l
Peso ilíquido:
6 g
Peso líquido:
4 g
Conversão de peso:
Dimensões embalagem (c/a/l):
1/62/98 mm


Cor: multicolorido

Etiqueta eletrónica / iluminação

Mercúrio: Não
Dimerizável: Não
Why can't I register / log in to the app anymore even though my data is correct?

Please use your username and password to log in to the app. The email address will not be accepted as username. Make sure beforehand that you have already created a myJBL profile.

The measurements are not transmitted - error during data transfer

If your new measurements cannot be successfully transferred, it is probably because your access data has changed. Each measurement is linked to its user's record on the creation date. If the measurement is not transferred (missing Internet connection) and your access data changes (password changed), this error occurs. Solution: Please delete the app, confirm the removal of the locally saved data and reinstall the app. If you now log in, your profiles will be downloaded and with the first addition of a new, further measurement you will also see your old measurements in the app again. On the JBL website you can view and compare all the measurements you have saved at any time under myJBL --> My analyses.

Últimas medições no Smartphone após uma instalação nova

Se consultar os perfis no nosso website online em meuJBL --> “As minhas análises”, encontrará aí sempre todas as medições. Logo que volte a iniciar uma nova sessão no seu Smartphone e adicione uma nova medição no respetivo perfil, serão também baixadas as 4 últimas medições a partir da nuvem tornando-se novamente disponíveis no Smartphone.

Posso imprimir o meu ColorCard?

Infelizmente, não é possível imprimir o ColorCard da aplicação ProScan. Este é produzido, usando um processo de impressão especial, e após a impressão verificado com um equipamento de teste quanto à resistência das cores. Só assim podemos garantir a alta precisão de medição do conjunto de testes ProScan.

Em que posição devo colocar a fita de análise ‪ProScan‬ na ColorCard?‬

No ColorCard, existem sugestões para a parte superior “top” e para a parte inferior “bottom”. Se pegar na fita de teste, segura automaticamente na lateral “bottom”. É o lado que não possui campos de análise na parte inferior na fita. “top” possui os campos de análise até à borda. Se surgir uma mensagem de erro na aplicação, é porque a fita de análise foi colocada de forma torcida no ColorCard.
Corrija simplesmente a posição.

Blogue (Opiniões e experiências)

JBL TV #53 How do you carry out water tests correctly and what are the most common mistakes?

Water tests for aquarium water can be very important, especially when there are problems.

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JBL TV #52 What kind of water do my aquarium fish need? What water values are ideal?

We want our aquarium fish to feel comfortable in the water. But what does ideal water mean for fish in the aquarium?

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JBL TV #38: Important for aquarists: pH, KH and CO2 - The correlation between them.

These 3 water values are the most important of all!

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Measure properly with PROSCAN! Here’s how!

"This is inaccurate" or "this is no good" – you’ll hear comments like this again and again in the aquaristic scene. How come? Let us explain!

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JBL water tests - how to test correctly and reap the benefits

Lots of scientists & experts swear by the JBL water tests, but why?

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Open Beta v 4.0 - New JBL PROSCAN App

We recently launched the exclusive beta phase, and got our influencers to join our team. They’ve had 30 days to put the app through its paces. Now it's your turn.

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Video: JBL ProScan for water analysis of tap, aquarium and pond water using your smartphone

Have you ever tested your aquarium water with your mobile phone? With the free JBL PROSCAN app and the JBL ProScan test strips you can test the 7 most important water values of your aquarium water in just one minute.

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JBL TV #7: Why do fish die in high nitrite levels and what can be done about it?

How does the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium work? Why do nitrite values get too high and how can the value be reduced? Why adding salt is senseless.

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Getting rid of diatoms - no problem at all

If a brown coating covers the substrate of your aquarium and looks unattractive, let’s hope it is diatoms! The alternative would be smear algae - and they are not as easy to get rid of as diatoms.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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Pond guide: you ask, we answer!

Ask us your technical question and we’ll answer your question in the comments with our team of experts.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design 2018

“Wow – that’s beautiful“. This how people typically react upon seeing a lovingly created aquarium landscape. Whether an aquascape, biotope or community aquarium - creativity knows no bounds.

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Muddy Water – A Challange for Water Test Experts

During our Venezuela expedition we investigated many rivers and streams and their respective fish diversity. In reply to a question about lakes or ponds the indigenous people lead us to a small puddle on a site which also served as a cow's pasture.

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Why is the KH higher than the GH?

Many aquarium owners think that the general hardness represents the total of all minerals and the carbonate hardness only a part of it. Then how can the carbonate hardness sometimes be higher than the total of minerals?

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Testing Water in the Jungle

Our 15 expeditions have taught us something new: In natural waters nitrogens (ammonium/ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and phosphates are ALWAYS scarce and below the limit of detection. Only when humans have an influence on the natural water, can nitrogens and phosphates be found.

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Commenting Water Tests Under "My Analyses"

Once again we have followed your wishes in the “myJBL” world and you can now add comments to the measurements you have saved from your aquarium, pond, or other waters.

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Deleting Erroneous Measurements Using My Analyses

Only in the overall view will you notice that a measurement has been carried out incorrectly or has been subject to strong fluctuations in the measurement range. Now we have made this feature available for you.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Terraristik-Tierärzte informieren sich über JBL Wassertests

Auf der 46. Arbeitstagung der DGHT AG ARK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Amphibien und Reptilienkrankheiten) vom 11.-13.11.2016 in Gera trafen sich 160 Tierärzte, um sich über Themen von Chirurgie bis Magnetresonanztomographie bei Schildkröten auszutauschen.

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A popular JBL ProScan App agora disponível em 11 idiomas

Além de alemão, inglês e francês, a App é agora também oferecida gratuitamente em espanhol, italiano, japonês, neerlandês, polaco, português, russo e turco.

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German retail pet trade has voted JBL ProScan innovation of the year

The pond and koi specialist dealers were so much taken by the water analysis via smartphone that JBL ProScan was voted Innovation of the Year 2015/16 for the trade magazine “pet” in the category aquatics/terraristics and pond.

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Nein - nicht das Handy unter Wasser tauchen!

Aus gegebenem Anlass noch einmal in Kurzform: Mit JBL ProScan kann Ihr Handy Wasserteststreifen analysieren und nicht Wasser testen!

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Guias práticos (Tema)

Reduzir valores de água problemáticos

How to lower critical water values.


Recognising and treating fish and invertebrate diseases

Sintomas de carência

Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Combate às algas

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Testar a água

Testing water – the most important step to understanding your aquarium. Why is water testing necessary?

Mudança de água

The most important maintenance measures: the partial water change. How to carry out a partial water change correctly?

Tratamento de plantas

What maintenance measures do your aquarium plants need?

Tratamento diário

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Criação de peixes de aquário

Would you also like to breed your fish? What do you have to consider when breeding?

Espécies de peixes

Which fish species suit your aquarium? What demands do the fish species have?

Tipos de invertebrados

What invertebrate animals are suitable for your aquarium? What demands do invertebrates have? What do you need to consider for their care?


How to catch fish properly without causing them stress? How to transport and add fish?

Planeamento e povoamento

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Testes de água

What water tests are available? How do water tests work? How do you test properly?

Valores da água

Which water tests are important? How can you achieve perfect water values?


Which aquarium plants are best? What’s the best way to plant them?

Encher de água

Here’s how to add water to your aquarium? Adding water without disturbing your aquarium made easy. Tips and tricks for adding water.

O material filtrante correto

What sort of filter material to choose? What filter material solves which problems? How can you clean it? Where does it need to be positioned in the filter?

Tipos de aquários biótopos (habitat)

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Tipo de aquário com paisagismo aquático JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Tipo de aquário selvagíneo JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Tipo de aquário de recife JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Tipo de aquário com peixes-dourados JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Testar a água

Os testes de água ajudam a entender a água do seu lago de jardim e a resolver problemas

Os testes à água - todos os parâmetros

Por que razão deve ser testada a água? O que dizem os resultados de cada teste e o que deveria fazer, se necessário?

Espécies de algas

A sua água é verde ou possui algas filamentosas? Nós explicamos como pode resolver os problemas de algas a longo prazo

Doenças de peixes do lago de jardim

Quais as doenças de peixes de lagos de jardim existentes e como combatê-las?

Indicações de segurança

  • Instruções de segurança para alimentos
    • Nome do ficheiro:
Recensões de clientes


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1 Avaliação pública para este produto.

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der_ aquariumschrank - Alemão

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