Our JBL AlgoPond Sorb Sorb filters the sunlight thanks to its humic substances and gives it a slightly brownish colouring. It’s like putting sunglasses on your garden pond. You’ll also be doing your pond a favour if, when you set up your pond filter, you add a phosphate remover in granular form ( JBL PhosEX Pond Filter ) and are careful about the order you put your filter sponges in. You always need to place a fine sponge last. And while we’re talking about filters, there is another helper: our JBL PROCRISTAL Compact plus UV-C 36 W . This item has a UVC light bulb which destroys the algae spores as they pass. Please keep in mind that a bulb is designed for only one season. Also remember that luxuriant plant growth inhibits algae growth since plants and algae compete directly for nutrients. And the correct amount of the correct food is important too. Uneaten food will remain on the bottom and pollute the water unnecessarily as well as creating unwanted phosphates and nitrates. Elementary algae nutrients should not be detectable at all. A regular water value check at least once a week with JBL PROSCAN will give reliable information. This app helps with only one click when there are problems. If, despite this, an algae bloom should occur, e.g. during heavy rainfall, through abundant fertilisation of the adjacent field or because of sudden temperature fluctuations I would recommend the daily use of JBL PROAQUATEST POND Check pH/uhlič. tvrdost . This test combination contains the KH and pH test and should be carried out in the evening. During an algae treatment with e.g. JBL PhosEX Pond Filter or JBL AlgoPond Direct the monitoring of both values is essential.
Here are a few ways to prevent the dreaded algae plague before it reaches your pond. If you roof over a part of your pond from the beginning, this not only provides shade for the fish but also keeps direct sunlight off this part of the pond.