JBL TV #19 Part 3: Aquarium set-up - wood and stones for the aquarium

You may want to set up an aquarium but have a few questions. Can you put in stones and wood you have collected? What types of stones are there and which are suitable for your aquarium? How can you check stones to see if they contain lime?

If you’re looking for ideas, you’ll find pictures of possible decoration materials in the Themeworld Aquarium:  Dekorace (kameny, kořeny) .

You’ll find an outline of suitable products from our range here: Dekorace .

© 08.01.2021

Více k tématu pro vás

JBL TV #1: Why do plants need a CO2 system in the aquarium?

In this video, biologist Heiko Blessin explains why plants need CO2 at all, why aquarium plants have different requirements and how to connect a JBL CO2 system. CO2 fertilisation for aquariums has never been explained more simply or more understandably!
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JBL TV #2: Why do algae grow in the aquarium and how can you stop it?

When algae take over the aquarium, there are always one or two possible causes. In this video, biologist Heiko Blessin explains very clearly and comprehensibly why algae grow at all and what we aquarium enthusiasts can do about it. The topic of algae in the aquarium has never been explained in a simpler and more understandable way!
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JBL TV #3: How do I get my plants to grow well in the aquarium?

If your plants aren’t growing perfectly in the aquarium, this video will help you. Biologist Heiko Blessin explains clearly and comprehensibly what is necessary for perfect plant growth in the aquarium.
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JBL TV #4: Why do we need a water conditioner for the aquarium?

Have you ever wondered if you really need a water conditioner for your aquarium? Which substances in tap water can cause trouble for our aquarium inhabitants and how can they be neutralised?
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JBL TV #5: What is a pH value and why is it important for the aquarium?

Have you ever asked yourself exactly what makes up the logarithm of a pH value? Why does the pH value in our aquarium matter and how can we influence it?
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JBL TV #6: Why do we need so many food types in the aquarium?

There’s so much to know. What kind of food should we choose? Which food size is right? How much should we feed?
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JBL TV #7: Why do fish die in high nitrite levels and what can be done about it?

How does the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium work? Why do nitrite values get too high and how can the value be reduced? Why adding salt is senseless.
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JBL TV #8: Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you want them to?

What makes for ideal plant growth? All the factors for good plant growth: light, LED, tubes, fertilisation, fertilisation quantity, fertilisation monitoring, influence of water conditioners, chelated iron.
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JBL TV #9: Why do aquarium fish fall sick and how can we treat them?

Why do aquarium fish fall sick? What factors influence fish health? What influence does fish food have on the susceptibility to disease? How do you protect the fish’s mucous membrane?
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JBL TV #10: How to start an aquarium

Why do you need a bacteria starter? What happens if you run an aquarium without a bacteria starter?
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JBL TV #11: What is the general hardness? Is the general hardness relevant in the aquarium?

What is the general hardness and how relevant is it in our aquarium?
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BL TV #12 - What is the conductivity in an aquarium? What is the significance of the conductance?

What is the conductivity in an aquarium? What is the significance of the conductance? What effects do salt additions have in the aquarium?
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JBL TV #13: What is carbonate hardness? It is the most important water value for your aquarium!

What is carbonate hardness? Why is carbonate hardness like life insurance for your aquarium? What is the difference between it and general hardness and how does carbonate hardness work in your aquarium?
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JBL TV #14: The current in the aquarium. How much do you need? How important is the current?

How much current do you need in an aquarium? From a tropical stream in south Japan biologist Heiko Blessin explains how important the current is.
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JBL TV #15: What is blackwater? Why is blackwater good for your aquarium?

What is blackwater? What does blackwater mean for aquarium fish? Why does the water have a brown colour?
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JBL TV #16: The right lighting for aquariums. What does PAR mean? What is PAR?

The biologist Heiko Blessin explains the importance of the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) value for aquaristics in a tropical water of southern Japan.
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JBL TV #17: Water Treatment - Recording of the Livestream

Water treatment is explained in detail with examples and small experiments. The biologist Heiko Blessin shows how a water conditioner works in terms understandable to non-chemists.
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JBL TV #18: Oxygen Measurements in the Aquarium and in Nature

We’ll explain all you need to know about the water value O2.
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JBL TV #19 Part 1: Aquarium Set-Up - Aquarium Technology - Where Do You Put The Heater And Filter?

Installing aquarium technology, where do you put the heater and filter?
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JBL TV #19 Part 2: Aquarium Set-Up - The Substrate - Gravel, Sand or Nutrient Substrate?

We’ll show you all the different aquarium substrates, from sand to coarse gravel, and list their advantages and disadvantages.
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Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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