JBL Expedition Colombia II - 2022

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At the end of the rainy season, everything was different: the fish ate fruit and the cardinal tetra swam across flooded meadows

The difference to the dry season was not just a six-metre higher water level! It was not just a second expedition to the same destination, but a journey to a region where the water level after the rainy season was now six metres higher than during the first JBL expedition in February 2022.

    Same destination but yet so new - everything is under water

    Streams became rivers, banks became impressively sized submerged forests! In the dry season, all the fish gathered in the " leftover waters" still there.


    Puerto Inirida: the last contact with "civilisation“

    Only accessible by boat and by plane, east of Bogota, just before the border with Venezuela, lies the small town of Inirida at the river Rio Inirida. Since this river resembles a brown broth, Inirida was the ideal starting point to regions with clearwater and blackwater, which were accessible by boat from there.


    The Rio Atabapo during floods

    The border river to Venezuela was greatly altered: In February there had been endless sandbanks, but now the coffee-brown blackwater of the river, where dolphins are often sighted, was flowing.


    Under water at night

    Snorkelling in jungle rivers during the day is one thing. But doing the same at night is another. When the moon is not shining, it is so dark away from civilisation that you cannot see your hand in front of your eyes. If your torch goes out when you’re snorkelling, you lose all sense of direction.


    Stunning biotopes at the mountains of Mavicure

    The rainforest of the entire region around Puerto Inrida up to the Venezuelan border and beyond is flat. This means the rivers also flood the surrounding land far into the country during the rainy season.


    The indigenous village of Santa Rosa

    On the boat trip from Inirida to the mountains of Mavicure on the Rio Inirida, the Caño Bocon branches off to the right about halfway down. The river meanders like an eel through the rainforest towards the west. Tourists do not stray here. For us that’s one more reason to visit this region and accept the simple camp in the village of the indigenous population.


    To the Caño Cristales, the most colourful river in the world

    Many know the Caño Cristales from documentaries on TV. Its red plants have become world-famous. Perhaps also because biologists from all over the world are faced with a riddle.



    The water tests were carried out by several teams so that mean values could be determined and the error rate could thus be minimised. JBL PROAQUATEST water tests for pH, GH, KH, O2, Fe, K and Mg freshwater were used. The Greisinger electronic device GLF 100 was used for conductivity and water temperature.


    Picture galleries

    If you don't want to search long in the individual chapters, here are the best photos of animals, landscapes, the team and plants


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