JBL ReptilDesert Daylight 24W
Energeticky úsporná žárovka pro pouštní terária

Pro tento produkt je novější verze:
ReptilJungle Daylight 24W , Reptil LED Daylight 12 W
  • Energeticky úsporná žárovka s plným spektrem světla bez UV pro pouštní terária
  • Denní světlo pro zvířata, která nesnesou UV záření.
  • Teplota chromatičnosti 6500 K
  • Objímka E27
  • Balení obsahuje: Úspornou lampu pro pouštní terária, ReptilDesert Daylight
Cena 0,00 €
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Informace o produktu

Příroda jako inspirace
Terarijní zvířata jsou studenokrevná zvířata, která jsou silně odkázána na světlo, především na kvalitu a intenzitu světla. Aktivita, příjem potravy, trávení a odpočinek jsou ovlivněny střídáním dne a noci a intenzitou světla. Zdroje světla mají různou světelnou účinnost a kvalitu.

Tento produkt již bohužel není k dispozici.

JBL ReptilDesert Daylight 24 W

č. výr.:
EAN kod:
24 W
1.2 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
142 g
Čistá hmotnost:
100 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
75/213/75 mm


Živočišný druh: Agama, Agama límcová, Agama osadní, Agama ostnatá, Agama pakistánská, Bojga, Chalcides, Felsuma, Gekon modrý, Gekon obr, Gekoni leopardí, Gekoni východní, Hroznýš královský, Korálovky, Krajta zelená, Kruhochvostovití, Leguán obojkový, Leguán skalní, Leguán černý, Listovnice, Rohatka, Rosnička zelená, Stonožka, Tropická suchozemská želva, Varani, Štír parabuthus transvaalicus, Želva pardálí
Velikost zvířete: Pro všechny velikosti zvířat
Věková skupina zvířete: Všichni pouštní živočichové
Velikost biotopu: Pro všechna terária
Materiál: Plast (PC) / sklo
Barva: bílá

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne
Teplota barvy: 6500 K
Označení patice: E27

Technická data

Do I need a separate ballast for these lamps?

No, this lamp is directly installed to a lamp holder (e.g. JBL TempSet) and connected to the power outlet without additional ballast.

Blog (názory a zkušenosti)

JBL TV 44: Terrarium lighting - for rainforests, deserts & more

Desert animals, rainforest animals, or animals without a need for UV radiation?


Mites and mould in the terrarium

Any terrarium owner can experience mites and mould. It isn’t always a problem, but can become one when …


JBL Research: Research results

Since 2001 JBL has been undertaking its own research expeditions to the original homes of our terrarium dwellers. With the help of measuring instruments all biotope data is logged and measurement errors are eliminated by the multiple measurements of theexpedition members.


The Right Ventilation For Your Terrarium

The need for fresh air and all other climatic factors vary significantly in accordance with their origin.


Lighting in the Terrarium

As cold-blooded animals, terrarium animals are far more de pendent on light, i.e. the quality and intensity of light, than warm-blooded vertebrates. Activity, feeding, digestion or resting phases are influenced by the alternation of day and night, and especially by the intensity of light.


Size and Shape of the Terrarium

Nowadays specialised pet shops offer a wide selection of terrariums which are usually made of silicone-sealed glass panes. They usually have sliding doors at the front.


The fascination of terrariums - Terrarium Manual

Terrarium-keeping has experienced an enormous boom in the past twenty years. In the midst of the increasing hustle and bustle of our world, an island of nature in their homes offers many people an opportunity to relax while watching their terrarium pets after a long day of work.


The Desert Terrarium Part 2 - Lighting

The desert habitat involves both extreme heat and brightness. Unlike in the rain forest, there is nothing to stop the light reaching right down to the ground. The animals only have stones or scarce plants and woody growths to withdraw under.


Light and heat for the terrarium

In the wild the sun not only provides light, it also provides essential heat and UVA and UVB radiation. Since terrarium animals are ectotherm, they are much more dependent on high-quality light than warm-blooded vertebrates are.


Where do our terrarium animals come from, and why this is important.

In fact we could answer this question with “from all over the world”. After all many interesting terrarium animals also live in Europe. But most of them are protected species.



JBL Energy-Saving Lamps Instead of Tanning Studio

One JBL employee at the JBL Research Centre was astonished to wake up in the morning with sunburn, even though he’d been working in the JBL laboratory all day!



The UV children are being renamed

To make the product names easier to understand the energy-saving lamps for terrariums from JBL are being renamed. The UV name affix in numbers is going to disappear (e.g. JBL ReptilDesert UV 300) and be replaced by the wattage (e.g. ReptilDesert UV-Light 15 W).



How to calculate energy consumption – easy as pie!

Immer mehr Aquarien- und Terrarienfreunde klagen über die hohen Stromrechnungen. Vielen ist aber nicht klar, dass die gestiegene Stromrechnung nicht unbedingt vom Aquarium oder Terrarium stammen muss, sondern ...



Neue JBL Energiesparlampen Reptil Jungle und Desert gewinnen Vergleichstest

Terrarienfreunde haben dazu gelernt: Je weiter die Tiere von der Lichtquelle entfernt sitzen, desto weniger UV-Strahlung (A und B) erhalten sie. Um Fakten zu schaffen, wurden verschiedene UV-Lampen (nicht Spots!) einem Vergleichstest unterzogen.

Rádce (tematický svět)


Lighting is one of the most important topics in terraristics. What do you need to consider?

Struktura a dekorování

How do you set up the decoration and the landscape in the terrarium? What do you need to consider?

Instalace techniky

How and where do you install the technical equipment? What do you need to remember?

Pouštní terárium

Bring a breath of desert fascination into your living room! We’ll show you how easy it is to set up a desert terrarium

Terárium pro suchozemské želvy

Our friend the tortoise needs a suitable terrarium. What is special about a tortoise terrarium?


A terrarium with an integrated water element is an aquatic terrarium, also referred to as a paladarium. Turtles, for example, feel very comfortable in them.

Terária pro hmyz a pavouky

Arachnids and insects require special terrariums which often don’t need to be particularly large.

Napodobení životního prostředí

Which type of habitat is easiest to reproduce in the terrarium?

Stanoviště terária a klima

Where’s the best place for the terrarium? How important is the climate in the terrarium?


How do you get your terrarium to the right temperature? Why does it need warm and cooler spots?


Where do you get your inspiration when setting up a terrarium? Where do your ideas come from?

Bezpečnostní listy

  • Bezpečnostní pokyny pro lampy
    • Jméno souboru:
Recenze zákazníků

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