JBL TerraSand přírodní bílý
Substrát pro pouštní terária

  • Pro pouštní terária: Přírodní substrát z jemného bílého písku, velikost zrn: 0,2 - 0,5 mm
  • Jemný, téměř bezprašný písek
  • Podpora přirozeného hrabání mnoha živočišných druhů díky jemné zrnitosti
  • Kulatý tvar zrn snižuje abrazivní účinky na kůži zvířat
  • Balení obsahuje: Substrát, TerraSand
Cena 23,15 €
základní cena 3.09 EUR / kg
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Informace o produktu

Vhodný substrát pro terarijní zvířata
Pro vytvoření přirozených podmínek pro terarijní zvířata by mělo být terárium zařízeno tak, aby co nejvíce připomínalo jejich přirozený biotop. Dle nároků zvířat hraje významnou roli velikost terária. Při zakládání terária je nutné dbát také na správný substrát, vhodné rostliny, provzdušnění, osvětlení a teplo.


JBL TerraSand přírodní bílý 7,5 kg

č. výr.:
EAN kod:
7,5 kg
0,2-0,5 mm
6.14 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
7529 g
Čistá hmotnost:
7500 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
240/80/320 mm


Živočišný druh: Agama, Agama osadní, Chameleon jemenský, Chameleon límcový, Felsuma, Gekon modrý, Gekoni leopardí, Pralesničkovití, Sklípkanovití, Tropická suchozemská želva
Velikost zvířete: Pro všechny velikosti zvířat
Věková skupina zvířete: Všichni pouštní živočichové
Materiál: Čistý přírodní písek
Barva: přírodní / bílá

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne

Technická data

Výška:17 mm
Délka:500 mm
Šířka:500 mm
Which terrarium animals is JBL TerraSand suitable for?

JBL TerraSand - red for bearded dragons, leopard geckos, sand boas, horned lizards, rainbow agamas, desert iguanas, spiny lizards, spiny-tailed monitors, spiny-tailed lizards, masked iguanas and desert scorpions.

JBL TerraSand - yellow for bearded dragons, leopard geckos, sand boas, toad lizards, settler iguanas, desert iguanas, spiny iguanas, spiny tail dragons, masked iguanas and desert scorpions.

JBL TerraSand - white for bearded dragons, leopard geckos, sand boas, toad lizards, settler iguanas, desert iguanas, spiny iguanas, spiny tail dragons, Hispaniolan masked curly-tailed lizards and desert scorpions.

Blog (názory a zkušenosti)

JBL TV #67 Substrates in the terrarium - desert & rainforest

The substrate in the terrarium is a very important factor in keeping terrarium animals healthy.


JBL TV #61 Keeping water turtles in a species-appropriate way Part 1 – Setup and lighting

This part deals with the size of the terrarium, the setup, suitable substrates, creating water and land sections, the correct lighting with and without UV, how to use heat mats, and heating the water section.


JBL TV #60 Keeping tortoises in a species-appropriate way. Part 1 - Care and set-up

This first part deals with the size of the terrarium, keeping tortoises outdoors, covering and securely bonding the equipment parts, and their drinking water supply.


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As a member of the myJBL community you have exclusive access to special promotions. We have attractive benefits and offers for you. Don’t miss out!


Mites and mould in the terrarium

Any terrarium owner can experience mites and mould. It isn’t always a problem, but can become one when …


Substrates for the bottom of the terrarium

In addition to the lighting the substrate is one of the most important factors for a near-natural care of animals in the terrarium. Mixtures of two different bottom substrates are often ideal. It’s really important to select a bottom substrate which is suitable for your purpose.


The Right Ventilation For Your Terrarium

The need for fresh air and all other climatic factors vary significantly in accordance with their origin.


The fascination of terrariums - Terrarium Manual

Terrarium-keeping has experienced an enormous boom in the past twenty years. In the midst of the increasing hustle and bustle of our world, an island of nature in their homes offers many people an opportunity to relax while watching their terrarium pets after a long day of work.


From practical experience: the right substrate for breeding

Our pair of desert iguanas (Diplosauus dorsalis), Martha and Norman, are very much at home in the building that houses the JBL lab, and now we’ve found eggs in a hollow there.


What is an Aqua-terrarium / Paludarium?

You’ve seen them in zoos. They are a combination of conventional terrariums and aquariums. On top there’s a rainforest, below there’s an aquarium.


The Desert Terrarium – Part 1

We associate heat and severe drought with the desert habitat. What catches our attention when we look closer at the reptiles’ habitats are the extreme temperature fluctuations.


Where do our terrarium animals come from, and why this is important.

In fact we could answer this question with “from all over the world”. After all many interesting terrarium animals also live in Europe. But most of them are protected species.



The JBL Research Team improves sand for terrariums

Following the advice of experts, JBL has changed the grain size of the white JBL terrarium sand. JBL TerraSand white sand had a rather fine grain size of 0.1 – 0. 4 mm. The grain size was increased to 0.2 – 0.6 mm so the sand would not cause problems such as eyes sticking together.

Rádce (tematický svět)

Pouštní terárium

Bring a breath of desert fascination into your living room! We’ll show you how easy it is to set up a desert terrarium


What structure does the substrate need to have? How thick it should be?

Terárium pro suchozemské želvy

Our friend the tortoise needs a suitable terrarium. What is special about a tortoise terrarium?


A terrarium with an integrated water element is an aquatic terrarium, also referred to as a paladarium. Turtles, for example, feel very comfortable in them.

Terária pro hmyz a pavouky

Arachnids and insects require special terrariums which often don’t need to be particularly large.

Napodobení životního prostředí

Which type of habitat is easiest to reproduce in the terrarium?

Velikost a tvar terária

How big should your terrarium be and what are the decisive factors here? Which is better: high-sided or shallow?

Struktura a dekorování

How do you set up the decoration and the landscape in the terrarium? What do you need to consider?


Where do you get your inspiration when setting up a terrarium? Where do your ideas come from?


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