Shrimp Goody pro koi

Pro tento produkt je novější verze:
  • Pamlsky pro všechny koi: Krevety - extrudát se správným poměrem proteinů a tuků 4:1 dle NEO indexu, teploty vody, funkce, velikosti a stáří zvířat
  • Krevety s lososem, pšeničnými klíčky, krunýřovkou a řasou spirulina pro plnohodnotnou výživu (teplota vody 15-25 °C)
  • Velikost krmiva M (15 mm) pro ryby 15-85 cm
  • Plovoucí krmivo ve formě garnátů s ideálním složení 38 % proteinů, 10 % tuku, 2 % vlákniny a 10 % hrubého popela
  • Obsah: extrudát z krevet v uzavíratelném obalu pro ochranu kvality produktu proti vzduchu, vodě a světlu
Cena 14,65 €
základní cena 43.09 EUR / kg
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Cena 32,49 €
základní cena 32.49 EUR / kg
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Cena 15,36 €
základní cena 45.18 EUR / kg
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Informace o produktu

NEO index doslova znamená: Přírodní, energeticky optimalizovaná výživa. Tím se rozumí poměr proteinů a tuků v potravě. Pokud zohledníme roční období, potřebují ryby v zimě poloviční množství proteinů (2:1), než v létě (4:1). Protože rozhodující roli nehraje jen roční období, tedy teplota vody, ale také velikost a stáří, a tím i funkce krmiva (např. na podporu růstu = ProPond Growth), byl vyvinut NEO index, který zohledňuje všechny tyto relevantní faktory.



č. výr.:
EAN kod:
0,34 kg
1 l
1.72 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
418.9 g
Čistá hmotnost:
340 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
98/179/98 mm


Živočišný druh: Kapr koi
Velikost zvířete: 35 - 55 cm
Věková skupina zvířete: Střední koi
Materiál: Údaje o použitých materiálech najdete pod Podrobnosti & složení
Druh potravy: Shrimp extrudát
Barva: červená / hnědá
Dávkování: Jedenkrát až dvakrát denně tolik krmiva, kolik bude sežráno během několika málo minut

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne


č. výr.:
EAN kod:
1 kg
3 l
4.37 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
1038 g
Čistá hmotnost:
1000 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
70/320/195 mm


Živočišný druh: Kapr koi
Velikost zvířete: 35 - 55 cm
Věková skupina zvířete: Střední koi
Velikost biotopu: Pro všechna jezírka
Materiál: Údaje o použitých materiálech najdete pod Podrobnosti & složení
Druh potravy: Shrimp extrudát
Barva: červená / hnědá
Dávkování: Jedenkrát až dvakrát denně tolik krmiva, kolik bude sežráno během několika málo minut

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne


č. výr.:
EAN kod:
0,34 kg
1 l
1.26 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
419.956 g
Čistá hmotnost:
340 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
90/198/90 mm


Živočišný druh: Kapr koi
Velikost zvířete: 35 - 55 cm
Věková skupina zvířete: Střední koi
Velikost biotopu: Pro všechna jezírka
Materiál: Údaje o použitých materiálech najdete pod Podrobnosti & složení
Druh potravy: Shrimp extrudát
Barva: červená / hnědá
Dávkování: Jedenkrát až dvakrát denně tolik krmiva, kolik bude sežráno během několika málo minut

Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne
analytické složky
Vitamíny (1000 g)
Vitamin A 25000 I. E.
Vitamín D₃ 2000 I. E.
Vitamin E 300 mg
Vitamin C (stabilní) 200 mg
How long does the food keep after opening?

Please ensure you buy a packaging size suitable for your aquarium/terrarium/pond so that the quantity contained is used up within 4 months. Compare it with a tin of biscuits lying around for several months. When properly stored they are not necessarily soggy, but they are not quite as tasty as when the packet was opened. Therefore it is not advisable to use the food after this time.

The repeated opening and closing of the packaging brings the food into contact with bacteria and humidity over a longer storage period. Thus the quality of the premium food reduces continuously and this influences the vitamin content and the freshness of the food. For the benefit of your animals you always should feed them fresh food.

Blog (názory a zkušenosti)

Japanese professional breeders reveal their secrets

Learning a craft over several generations often replaces "studying" more than anything else, and coincidences often play a role too.


KOI: Are you feeding them to live, or just exist?

The problem with fish is their enormous capacity for tolerating bad practices. They can be fed the wrong food for a long time and survive it. But if you take a close look at your koi, you will notice clear differences in them, depending on which feed you use: their health, body shape, colouring, growth and activity - these are all factors where you can see...


JBL ProPond Film - Seasonal Feeding

Beginning with spectacular underwater shots taken at a koi breeder’s in Japan, including a visual presentation of nutrition information for the individual seasons and then some koi pond footage.


The cold weather’s here: get your pond ready

Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to know to keep your fish healthy during the winter and to give them a good start into the next season.


My pond is losing water - where has it gone?

Die Sonne knallt auf den Teich und Sie füllen täglich Wasser nach? An manchen Tagen fragt man sich, „ist das wirklich normal und nur die Verdunstung“?


Pond guide: you ask, we answer!

Ask us your technical question and we’ll answer your question in the comments with our team of experts.


ProPond: What’s the best way to pamper my fish?

Cat and dog owners know this well. A treat here, a toy there and small gifts for the pets. But what’s the best and safest way to pamper your fish with a few extras?


ProPond: How to Feed Aquatic Animals

From the Individual to Future Generations. It must be said that this is a very scientific lecture, given by Christian Steinberg, an aquatics and stress ecologist from the Humboldt University Berlin.


ProPond Experience Report – Growth Success

Marc Heinz from Zollern Alb Koi contacted us a few days ago with some great feedback about our ProPond/NEO Index food. Initially he was one of our critics and had an occasional sceptical word about it, but this has now completely transformed into extraordinarily positive feedback.


Seasonal feeding for koi: nonsense or really important?

Feeding our fish often requires little more than common sense. But it gets trickier when it comes to seasonal feeding. However anyone, whether experts or not, can expect the following from their fish food:


Koi Meet-Up in a Nuclear Power Plant

For the first time aquatic fans joined koi enthusiasts at their meet-up from April 21 to 23, 2017 in Kalkar, near the Dutch border.



NEO index literally means: natural, energy-optimised nutrition. Behind this lies the ratio of proteins to fats in the food. Looking at the season alone, the fish would only need half as much protein in winter (2:1) as in summer (4:1).


The Right Food Quantity - Complete or Combined Food

With the JBL ProPond Season Foods (AllSeasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) you have purchased a complete and optimal diet for your pond fish. There are, however, also transitional periods in the course of the year, or you may wish to promote the growth, the colours or the fitness of your fish more.


Professional tip: Do white koi need different food to red-and-white or orange-coloured koi?

The fish colours are created by pigments in special pigment cells inside the skin. Natural substances such as carotenes and astaxan- thines enhance special yellowish and reddish colours in the skin.


The Food Finder – How to Find the Right Food.

Do you have koi, sterlets or goldfish? Do you know the right food for your fish? The following overview will enable you to quickly determine which food size is suitable for your species of fish.


Protein, Fat, Crude Fibre and Crude Ash - What Does What?

For a natural optimised food 4 main components are required: protein, fat, crude fibre and crude ash.


More than just packaging – the functions.

The best food is useless if it is not properly packed and thus ideally preserved while it is in use. Light (UV radiation) and air are the food’s main enemies because they significantly reduce its quality!


Inside JBL: videos and exclusive insights into the new food production hall

Take this unique opportunity to accompany us on a tour through our new production area, where up to 35 tons of food is manufactured per day.


We made it: we were at the Shinokai

Here, for anyone who may have missed it or who wasn’t able to visit us there, is a short report of our successful trip to Japan.


This is how to feed your fish properly in autumn

It happens so quickly: One minute we have close to 30 degrees and 4 weeks later it’s hardly more than 10 degrees.


ProPond Opening: what a weekend!

So many retailers have written, called or mentioned how great, amazing this event was for them.


JBL ProPond Opening – This is where the pond and koi scene meet!

Today was the day: Our guests from the pond and koi scene came together in Neuhofen in the Pfalz to mark the opening of our new food production plant.


What food does a koi need in the course of the year?

I often hear about koi keepers asking for a food which can be fed throughout the whole year. This is understandable but is not really advisable.


Interzoo 2016 – Global Innovation JBL ProPond with the NEO INDEX®

This post is to introduce you to our new product line JBL ProPond with the NEO INDEX®. It is the only physiological-nutritional concept on the market.


Interzoo 2016 – Introducing JBL’s innovations at the world's leading trade fair

From May 26 to May 29, 2016 the world’s leading trade fair Interzoo opened its doors for the 34th time in Nuremberg. The trade fair, exclusively aimed at the specialist trade, showcased product innovations from all over the world.


Too much or too little? This is the right amount of food!

You’ve probably asked yourself this question on numerous occasions. Have I had enough or am I still hungry? Fish also eat a lot when they have the chance. But often they are fed far too little.



JBL and the € 250,000 koi

The All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo at the beginning of February is considered by the worldwide koi scene to be the professional koi breeder association, the Shinkokai’s, most important prize show. Being a member of the Shinkokai, JBL once again ran a stand at this event and was the only European manufacturer to do so.



JBL receives permission to take underwater pictures from Japan’s koi breeders

Japanese people are very polite but also often very particular. In the halls where the koi hibernate the strictest hygiene regulations apply and reaching into the water is absolutely forbidden.



JBL is the first European manufacturer to exhibit at the All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo

The All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo is the most important koi evaluation show worldwide and is run annually by the Shinkokai (association of professional koi breeders) in Japan. Koi experts from all over the world meet up there



It’s green for go at JBL

On the 16th of January the first JBL ProPond delivery set off. JBL’s general manager Roland Böhme took the opportunity to write a few personal words to accompany it.



ProPond: The Future of Koi Nutrition Is Coming in 2017

Koi food is ten a penny. But before planning our completely new koi food concept the JBL food development department got together with leading koi importers and breeders to hear what they wanted.

Rádce (tematický svět)


Feed your animals all year round with the natural, balanced JBL PROPOND fish food, and keep them healthy and active long-term. All the PROPOND products in this physiological-nutritional concept contain high-quality ingredients in accordance with the NEO Index®.

Ryby v jezírku

Which species of pond fish suit your pond? How many fish fit in the pond?


How do you feed your fish properly? What does professional feeding, for healthy and beautiful pond fish, actually involve?

Příslušenství pro jezírka

Which accessories make working easier? What is useful?

Jezírka s kapry koi

What is the difference between a koi pond and other ponds? What’s so special about a koi pond?

Množství krmiva

How much should be fed? How do you know the right quantity?

Víkendy a dovolená

What do you do with your pond when you are on holiday or on weekend trips?

Nedostatečná výživa

When is food too old? What leads to nutritional deficiencies?

Bezpečnostní listy

  • Bezpečnostní pokyny pro krmivo
    • Jméno souboru:
Recenze zákazníků


Celkové hodnocení: 5.0
1 veřejné hodnocení pro tento výrobek

0 Recenze

Ukázat další hodnocení v jiných jazycích

Hodnocení v jiných jazycích

aquarium.meer91 - Němec

Ein super schwimmendes Koifutter in Garnelenform. Unsere Koikarpfen sind verrückt danach und warten immer gierig auf ihr Futter.

Ein top Futter, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

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