JBL TV #19 Part 1: Aquarium Set-Up - Aquarium Technology - Where Do You Put The Heater And Filter?

Are you setting up an aquarium? Is it better to do the technology before the other elements? We’ll show you the first steps when setting up your aquarium. How do you attach the filter suction and return pipes to create the best current in the aquarium? Where does the heater go?

You can find more information on filter technology in the JBL Themeworld Aquarium under: Filtros y accesorios para acuarios .

You can find out more about heating technology in aquariums in the Themeworld Aquarium: Calentar y enfriar .

© 11.12.2020

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JBL TV #1: Why do plants need a CO2 system in the aquarium?

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JBL TV #2: Why do algae grow in the aquarium and how can you stop it?

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JBL TV #3: How do I get my plants to grow well in the aquarium?

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JBL TV #4: Why do we need a water conditioner for the aquarium?

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JBL TV #5: What is a pH value and why is it important for the aquarium?

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JBL TV #6: Why do we need so many food types in the aquarium?

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JBL TV #7: Why do fish die in high nitrite levels and what can be done about it?

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JBL TV #8: Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you want them to?

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JBL TV #9: Why do aquarium fish fall sick and how can we treat them?

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JBL TV #10: How to start an aquarium

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JBL TV #11: What is the general hardness? Is the general hardness relevant in the aquarium?

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BL TV #12 - What is the conductivity in an aquarium? What is the significance of the conductance?

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JBL TV #13: What is carbonate hardness? It is the most important water value for your aquarium!

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JBL TV #14: The current in the aquarium. How much do you need? How important is the current?

How much current do you need in an aquarium? From a tropical stream in south Japan biologist Heiko Blessin explains how important the current is.
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JBL TV #15: What is blackwater? Why is blackwater good for your aquarium?

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JBL TV #16: The right lighting for aquariums. What does PAR mean? What is PAR?

The biologist Heiko Blessin explains the importance of the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) value for aquaristics in a tropical water of southern Japan.
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JBL TV #17: Water Treatment - Recording of the Livestream

Water treatment is explained in detail with examples and small experiments. The biologist Heiko Blessin shows how a water conditioner works in terms understandable to non-chemists.
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JBL TV #18: Oxygen Measurements in the Aquarium and in Nature

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Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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