JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL v2 - New app with geo data query and weather simulation

Are you just clicking or are you really in control? Instead of using a remote control to slowly dim the light up in the morning or down in the evening, you can use the JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL to control the light automatically, choosing between five different themed aquariums. These are not mere artificial effects, they include full biotope data with geographically correct light data from South America ( Acquario tipo giungla JBL Rio Pantanal® ), Africa ( Acquario tipo scogliera JBL Malawi Rocks® ) and Southern China ( Acquario tipo "pesci rossi" JBL Goldfish Paradise® ). For all aquascapers and friends of plant / Dutch Style aquariums there is still the Acquario tipo aquascape JBL Dreamscape® or a good mixture for ornamental fish and aquatic plants, the so-called community aquarium ( Acquario di comunità: cosa va d'accordo? ).

But this is nothing new, because the app for the JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL has already been around for a few years. Now we have not only developed the app further, we have implemented a completely new app with numerous improvements and your requests. Version 2 is now available for download in the stores.

For those switching to LED, the JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL offers an acclimatisation function to switch plants from another, usually weaker lighting to the more natural and stronger JBL LED lighting.

For all aquarists who have not yet found a suitable setting or would like to make individual adjustments to it, there is an extensive manual mode available to design your own individual theme programme using functions for moonlight, clouds, lightning and sunrise and sunset.

Download Google Playstore: LED SOLAR Control App Google

Download Apple App Store: LED SOLAR Control App Apple

What has been improved in the app?

The new app gives your control unit a firmware update to improve its stability and control options and enables future updates to the app.  

Before you can use the new app, you will be prompted to update your JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL 's firmware. This will return all settings to the default position.  It is not possible to transfer them from app version 1, which will no longer be usable. Save them in advance with a screenshot or make a note of the settings beforehand.  Setup is much easier and faster in the new app. Days can be copied and the options for automatic programmes have been expanded. 

Numerous requests that you have communicated to us via the Centro servizo clienti have already been implemented in this version.  

  • Geographical sunrise and sunset: The times of the aquarium's lighting are calculated based on your location. Your aquarium gets up with you and goes to sleep with you. The maximum lighting duration of 10 hours per day thus becomes invalid. The settings are calculated for a year in advance.
  • The moonlight function allows you to leave a soft blue light glow outside the lighting times, even at night, for the orientation of the fish. When the geo location is activated, the moonlight phases adjust accordingly.
  • The thunderstorm function effects in the themed aquariums and in manual mode have been improved and look even more authentic. If you prefer more peace and quiet, you can deactivate the lightning completely.
  • When creating theme programmes in manual mode, the copy function and setting options have been improved. The overview and graphic display make the set-up and operation easier.
  • Factory settings - did you mistype or have you forgotten your password? You can now completely reset your device to factory settings via the app.

ots of reasons to install the free new app called JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL 2! We hope you enjoy it! 

Problems with the firmware update? Deactivate the mobile data in your smartphone and only use the direct WLAN connection to the JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL . When the control unit is not connected to the home network there is NO internet connection. This is to prevent your smart phone from switching to your mobile data network in parallel and interfering with the update. After the update, you simply have to connect the control unit to your WIFI and you are ready to go. 

Download Google Playstore: LED SOLAR Control App Google

Download Apple App Store: LED SOLAR Control App Apple

© 01.05.2022
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Su di me: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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Notifiche push di JBL

Cosa sono le notifiche PUSH? In quanto parte dello standard W3C le notifiche web definiscono un'API per le notifiche rivolte agli utenti finali, che vengono trasmesse tramite browser ai dispositivi desktop e/o mobili degli utenti. Sui dispositivi finali appaiono notifiche come le conosce l'utente finale dalle applicazioni istallate sul dispositivo (ad es. email). Sui dispositivi appaiono le notifiche come le conosce l'utente finale dalle applicazioni installate sul dispositivo (ad es. email).

Queste notifiche permettono al gestore delle pagine web di contattare i suoi utenti mentre hanno ancora aperto un browser – indipendentemente dal fatto se l'utente sta visitando il sito web o no.

Per poter inviare notifiche push si ha bisogno soltanto di un sito web con un codice web push installato. In questo modo anche marchi senza applicazioni possono usufruire di molti vantaggi delle notifiche push (comunicazioni personalizzate in tempo reale, proprio nel momento giusto).

Le notifiche web fanno parte dello standard W3C e definiscono un'API per le notifiche all'utente. Una notifica permette di informare l'utente su un fatto, come ad es. un nuovo commento sul blog, al di fuori dal contesto di una pagina web.

Questo servizio viene offerto gratuitamente da JBL GmbH & Co. KG ed è tanto facile da attivare come da disattivare.