PRONOVO - Your holiday stand in

Holiday time can be a difficult time for pets. We have all heard horror stories of animals abandoned on the motorway or at service stations. It is hard to believe that there are people who would do such a thing, and it is even more unimaginable that anyone would need to abandon an aquarium.

An aquarium can easily get by for a few days or even weeks without much attention. The only thing your aquarium inhabitants can and should not have to do without is food. That's why we offer several products, ranging from 3 to 14 days or even more.

Just a weekend away?

Then you are making the right choice with JBL PRONOVO BEL WEEKEND . It contains 3 small food blocks, one of which feeds about 15 ornamental fish up to 20 cm in size for 3 days. The food blocks consist of a natural calcium compound that slowly dissolves when the fish "nibble" on it. Bottom-dwelling fish such as armoured catfish or loaches also quickly smell the food inside and then feed when they need to.

Away for a few days?

Then JBL PRONOVO BEL HOLIDAY gives you the opportunity to feed 25 ornamental fish for up to 14 days. For goldfish, JBL PRONOVO RED HOLIDAY has its own holiday food with a lower protein content. Each of the three food blocks supplied provides 1-3 fish of 8-20 cm size with food for 4-6 days. Again, the food blocks consist of a natural calcium compound that slowly dissolves when the fish "nibble" on it. Bottom-dwelling fish such as armored catfish or loaches also quickly smell the food inside and then also feed when they need to.

Automatic feeding - the easiest thing in the world!

If you’re going on holiday for longer, use one of our feeders: JBL PRONOVO AUTOFOOD BLACK of JBL PRONOVO AUTOFOOD WHITE . The feeder is suitable for all granulates up to 3 mm and can be programmed for up to 4 feeds a day. The feeding times and the quantity can be easily set on the display. The automatic feeder has an air connection. You also have the option to connect an air pump such as the JBL PROAIR a50 . This way the food always stays dry. The feeder can be mounted with a suction cup or with a stable clamp mount. The holder can be rotated 360 °. You can increase the volume from 125 ml to 375 ml by screwing a sealed 250 ml JBL food can onto the top opening of the feeder.

Flakes are unsuitable for automatic feeders because they never fall evenly into the food compartment of the built-in auger. Granules, on the other hand, with their round shape, fall evenly enough to ensure exact portioning. 

If your fish are used to flake food, switch your fish to granulated food BEFORE using the automatic feeder! Fish that are always fed flake food sometimes need some time to adjust to granulated food, because granulated food involves biting, and is like eating a steak for them.

As you can see, there’s nothing to stop you having your next holiday. Go ahead and start planning it! Your loved ones in the aquarium will be well looked after with JBL.

Find more about the topic here: Voeren bij afwezigheid .

© 11.06.2023
Daniel Pandolfi
Daniel Pandolfi

Teamworker, Problemlöser, Social Media, Online Marketing, Kundenservice, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Familie, Reisen, Küche, Elektronische Musik


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