PROSCAPE sets new standards in aquascaping – JBL PROSCAPE S20 ZICKZACK

Aquascaping is the most modern and probably most elegant form of aquarium design. Constantly on the lookout for the latest trend, aquascapers set new standards and transform an aquarium into a breathtaking underwater landscape. The right tools are essential for this. Alongside pincers, scissors are probably the most important tools for aquascapers. Plants can be cut precisely into the right shape and trimmed to the desired length. With our PROSCAPE scissors, we already offer a wide selection of different scissors. From the classic JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S STRAIGHT , the angled JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S CURVED to the more unusual variants such as the JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S WAVE or the JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S SPRING . They all have their own unique range of applications and are known for their precise and straight cuts. But that's not the end of the story!

May we introduce? The JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS are growing! With the new JBL PROSCAPE S 20 ZICKZACK we are expanding the horizon in aquascaping and helping you to set new standards. No more boring straight cuts. With the new PROSCAPE ZICKZACK, you can give your aquascape that certain something.

ZICKZACK Precision Technology – pioneering in its field

ZICKZACK Precision Technology defines the groundbreaking performance of the PROSCAPE S20 ZICKZACK scissors. The technology combines precision and versatility in a unique way. Its outstanding feature is the precise serrated blade structure, which enables effortless cutting of different plant species. The serrated blades are designed in such a way that the serrations run past each other at a distance of just 1 nanometer (nm). This enables the PROSCAPE S20 ZICKZACK to make a perfect cut that surpasses all other scissors on the market.

The ZICKZACK pattern gives a unique and unmissable look to a variety of plant species. This gives your ground cover plants an uneven yet realistic depth and dynamism like never before. But that's not all. You can also give large-leaved plants such as Echinodorus grisebachii 'Bleherae' an extraordinary look. Simply cut off 0.5 - 1 cm from the leaf edge and in no time at all the large leaves will have a serrated pattern, enhancing the visibility of the leaves.

Ergonomic handle - hours of cutting without numb hands

Like all PROSCAPE TOOLS, the PROSCAPE S20 ZICKZACK has an ergonomic handle. What is new, however, is its plastic coating, which makes using the scissors feel like cutting through air. Even after hours of cutting, you won't feel tired. Simply carry on and give all your attention to your aquascape.

April Fool!

And did you fall for it? Like every year, we can’t resist having a little bit of fun. We hope you'll forgive us. :) As a little thank you for your good humour, we've come up with something very special! Until tonight (April 1, 2024) at 23:59 you can get 20% off all PROSCAPE products. Simply enter the voucher code below in your shopping cart and save! The minimum order value is €34.90*. 

Here is the code to copy: JBL AA1 424

*) The voucher is only valid for end customers (non-commercial) from Germany, Austria and Luxembourg.

© 01.04.2024

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Tim Wierczinski
Tim Wierczinski
Digital-Brand & CRM Manager

Online Marketing, Social Media

Over mij: Seit 2018 Aquaristik als Hobby


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