Planowanie i Obsada

The right selection of animals

To enjoy an animal community in your aquarium for the long term, you really need to research the peculiarities of the animals you’re interested in! A good reference book, your pet shop and sometimes also the internet will help you here.

Often you have an idea of which fish species you would like to keep. Let’s take as an example the angel fish. It can become 20 cm high and therefore needs a large and especially a high aquarium. Although not being a pronounced fish predator, it will, through its sheer size, regard tiny fish and shrimps as food, latest when it is fully grown. Small fish and shrimps are therefore unsuitable companions for it. It doesn’t eat plants and doesn’t dig. So you are totally free in your choice of substrates and plants. It likes to be between roots (biotope descriptions about its habitat) and needs to be kept in a small group. It feels comfortable in slightly acidic and soft water. This all rules out fish which prefer high pH values and harder water. This also would include the East African cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika, which may otherwise have appealed to you. These, however, like a lot of stones in their habitat.

It will help you quite a lot when you put fish from the same region on the shortlist, since they have similar water requirements. Then there is only the question how they get along with your favourite fish. But the region is not always decisive. Fish from the Amazon, African rivers or from Australia may have similar demands on the water! You really need to find some information about your favourite fish.

Occupying the water layers

The height of your aquarium usually results in it having three water layers: the surface area, the middle water layer and the bottom area. A lot of fish stay in one area most of the time. It is therefore important to occupy all three areas properly.

You can socialize any fish and invertebrate species with any other – but only for a few minutes! Then you will quickly notice which animals fit in which mouth and who is the bully and who is the whipping boy.

Water layers

Take your time to select your aquarium dwellers. It’s worth it and moreover it’s fun to engage a little with the fish, to find out whether to keep mouthbrooders, bubble nest builders, digging or swift swimming schooling fish!


Epiplatys and hatchetfish live close to the water surface and rarely "dive" to the bottom. But a lot of labyrinth fish also tend to live more surface-oriented.

Middle water layers

Here, for instance, live characins, barbels, rainbow fish and also a lot of cichlids. Some fish need a lot of free swimming space, others prefer “shelters" under plants or wood.

Bottom area

Catfish and loaches are typical bottom dwellers. But dwarf cichlids also tend to stay in the lower aquarium area where there are hiding places. Larger shrimp species live on the bottom too, while the smaller shrimp species reside all over the decoration.

Examples for a stock

The JBL themed aquariums give you four suggestions for the aquarium stock. Have a look if you can find anything to interest you there:

Typ akwarium z dżunglą JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Typ akwarium z rafą koralową JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Typ akwarium dla karasi złocistych JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Typ akwarium aquascaping JBL DreamScape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Which fish are suitable for my aquarium?

Which aquarium fish are NOT mutually compatible and why not? Which criteria should you follow when selecting fish? What demands do aquarium fish make on your aquarium and on you? Using examples we explain which fish fit together and why certain fish species should not be kept together.

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