JBL PROFLORA AquaBasis plus
Substrato nutritivo para plantas com efeito de longa duração para aquários de água doce

  • Substrato nutritivo para um crescimento bonito e duradouro das plantas em todos os aquários de água doce. 5 anos de efeito garantido
  • Armazenador de nutrientes: contém nutrientes vegetais importantes como, p. ex. ferro. Os componentes de argila armazenam os nutrientes e voltam a libertá-los quando existe necessidade
  • Através da promoção do crescimento das plantas é efetivamente evitado o crescimento indesejado de algas
  • Modo de utilização em caso de instalação nova: aplicar o substrato nutritivo e cobri-lo com uma camada de substrato lavado
  • Incluído: 1 embalagem de substrato nutritivo para plantas com efeito de longo prazo pronto a ser utilizado
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Preço: 14,94 €
Preço base 5.98 EUR / l
Preço de venda recomendado, incl. IVA
Pode encontrar este artigo na sua loja da especialidade e na venda online
Preço: 23,05 €
Preço base 4.61 EUR / l
Preço de venda recomendado, incl. IVA
Pode encontrar este artigo na sua loja da especialidade e na venda online
Informações sobre o produto

Nutrição para plantas de aquário
Plantas saudáveis previnem o crescimento de algas, fornecem oxigénio, eliminam substâncias tóxicas, proporcionam esconderijos e reduzem germes patogénicos. Por esse motivo, plantas de aquário vivas são muito importantes para o funcionamento do aquário.

Os produtos de cuidados para plantas JBL fornecem todos os nutrientes principais e oligoelementos essenciais para as suas plantas. Dessa forma, as plantas recebem todos os nutrientes necessários para a absorção através das folhas e raízes para prevenir fenómenos de carência (p. ex. deficiência de ferro ou de potássio).

Do que precisam as plantas de aquário para um crescimento ideal?
Luz de espectro total: JBL LED SOLAR NATUR
Dióxido de carbono (CO2): sistema JBL PROFLORA CO2 Ferro, potássio e outros minerais: JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL
Oligoelementos que não podem ser providenciados como reserva: fertilizante diário JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL 24 Fertilização das raízes: JBL PROFLORA As 7 Bolas, JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL ROOT

Muitas plantas de aquário absorvem os seus nutrientes também, ou até primordialmente, através das raízes. Portanto, é importante fornecer às raízes das plantas os nutrientes. JBL AquaBasis Plus contém todos os nutrientes essenciais para um crescimento vigoroso e saudável das plantas de aquário. A função é equiparável ao funcionamento de uma bateria carregada: JBL AquaBasis Plus fornece imediatamente a energia (nutrientes) às plantas e, quando a bateria está vazia, pode ser recarregada com a ajuda de fertilizante líquido (JBL Ferropol e JBL FerropolRoot).


JBL PROFLORA AquaBasis plus 2,5 l

N.º de artigo:
Número EAN:
2,5 l
40-120 l
Volume embalagem:
3.3 l
Peso ilíquido:
2520 g
Peso líquido:
2500 g
Conversão de peso:
Dimensões embalagem (c/a/l):
270/55/220 mm


Espécie animal: Aruanã-prateado, Axolotes, Barbos, Bivalves, Camarões-anões, Caracóis, Caudas-de-véu, Characiformes, Ciclídeos (América do Sul), Cobitídeos, Crustáceos, Danioninae, Discus, Enguias espinhosas, Flowerhorn, Guppy, Killies, Killifish, Peixes arco íris, Peixes borboleta-africanos, Peixes combatentes, Peixes dourados, Peixes jovens, Peixes-gato, Peixes-labirinto, Polipterídeos/peixes-corda, Tetraodontídeos, Vivíparos
Tamanho do animal: Para todos os tamanhos de animais
Grupo etário do animal: Todos os peixes de aquário
Volume do habitat: 50-100 L (50-80 cm)
Material: Turfa, areia
Cor: castanho
Dosagem: Espalhar JBL AquaBasis Plus como camada inferior com uma espessura de cerca de 2 a 4 cm no aquário e cobrir com uma camada (3 a 8 cm) de substrato

Etiqueta eletrónica / iluminação

Mercúrio: Não
Dimerizável: Não

JBL PROFLORA AquaBasis plus 5 l

N.º de artigo:
Número EAN:
5 l
60-200 l
Volume embalagem:
6.9 l
Peso ilíquido:
5031 g
Peso líquido:
5000 g
Conversão de peso:
Dimensões embalagem (c/a/l):
310/75/310 mm


Espécie animal: Aruanã-prateado, Axolotes, Barbos, Bivalves, Camarões-anões, Caracóis, Caudas-de-véu, Characiformes, Ciclídeos (América do Sul), Cobitídeos, Crustáceos, Danioninae, Discus, Enguias espinhosas, Flowerhorn, Guppy, Killies, Killifish, Peixes arco íris, Peixes borboleta-africanos, Peixes combatentes, Peixes dourados, Peixes jovens, Peixes-gato, Peixes-labirinto, Polipterídeos/peixes-corda, Tetraodontídeos, Vivíparos
Tamanho do animal: Para todos os tamanhos de animais
Grupo etário do animal: Todos os peixes de aquário
Volume do habitat: 100-200 L (80-100cm)
Material: Turfa, areia
Cor: castanho
Dosagem: Espalhar JBL AquaBasis Plus como camada inferior com uma espessura de cerca de 2 a 4 cm no aquário e cobrir com uma camada (3 a 8 cm) de substrato

Etiqueta eletrónica / iluminação

Mercúrio: Não
Dimerizável: Não
É necessário introduzir um substrato nutritivo adicional, como o JBL AquaBasis plus, debaixo do JBL Manado, ou o JBL Manado é suficiente devido às suas características?

O próprio JBL Manado não contém nenhum fertilizante. O JBL Manado é capaz de absorver nutrientes (especialmente oligoelementos) e torná-los, assim, disponíveis para as raízes das plantas.

Para um bom crescimento das plantas, recomenda-se o uso de JBL AquaBasis plus sob JBL Manado.

Blogue (Opiniões e experiências)

The right fertilisation for aquarium plants

You may think that a good CO2 fertiliser system means plants are fully provided for.

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What factors lead to perfect plant growth?

Vigorous and healthy plant growth in the aquarium is of course never based on just one factor. It is always the interplay of light, heat, fertiliser and the main nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2).

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JBL TV #19 Part 2: Aquarium Set-Up - The Substrate - Gravel, Sand or Nutrient Substrate?

We’ll show you all the different aquarium substrates, from sand to coarse gravel, and list their advantages and disadvantages.

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Video: JBL AquaBasis Plus Long-Term Nutrient Substrate for Perfect Plant Growth in the Aquarium

Would you like your plants to grow densely and vigorously in the aquarium? If you provide your aquarium plants with a long-term plant nutrient substrate when you set up your aquarium, plant growth is almost guaranteed.

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JBL TV #8: Do the plants in your aquarium grow exactly as you want them to?

What makes for ideal plant growth? All the factors for good plant growth: light, LED, tubes, fertilisation, fertilisation quantity, fertilisation monitoring, influence of water conditioners, chelated iron.

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JBL TV #3: How do I get my plants to grow well in the aquarium?

If your plants aren’t growing perfectly in the aquarium, this video will help you. Biologist Heiko Blessin explains clearly and comprehensibly what is necessary for perfect plant growth in the aquarium.

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JBL TV #1: Why do plants need a CO2 system in the aquarium?

In this video, biologist Heiko Blessin explains why plants need CO2 at all, why aquarium plants have different requirements and how to connect a JBL CO2 system. CO2 fertilisation for aquariums has never been explained more simply or more understandably!

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Choosing Your Substrate - Combining Several Varieties

You probably had this the last time you set up an aquarium. "Sand or gravel?” you wondered. “Or maybe soil? Or there’s that coarse volcanic rock?”

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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Benefits of aquatic plants for the biosystem

Especially when new to the hobby, a lot of aquarium owners ask: Do I need real aquatic plants or is it enough to use plastic plants which can be easily cleaned?

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The world’s best aquascapers use JBL products

Although aquascaping is an art, any aquarium owner can set up an aquarium artistically.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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Plant aquarium in fast motion with or without CO2

Have you ever had the chance to see how big the difference really is between a plant aquarium with and without CO2 fertilisation?

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The JBL Calculators – Calculated Success

The three most important factors for your plant aquariums are the nutrient balance, the substrate and the lighting.

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How often should you fertilise – daily or weekly?

The subjects of plant care and fertilisation can sometimes take on a philosophical element. There are a lot of approaches and a lot of them can lead to success. It is important that your chosen approach suits your aquarium.

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How much fertiliser does your aquarium need?

We are often asked: “How much fertiliser do I need for my aquarium?” On all product packaging you find dosage recommendations which give you initial information on how to start the fertilisation.

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Water values for water plants in detail

If we transfer this Liebig’s Law of the Minimum to the aquatic field it quickly becomes clear how important balanced fertilisation is for plant aquariums.

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There’s more to fertilization than you’d think Part 2

Simply put, Liebig’s Law of the Minimum states that the growth of plants is limited by the scarcest resource. Adding a nutrient which already exists in abundance does not influence the growth.

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Fertilization is not just fertilization Part 1

Unlike in natural waters, aquariums with fish mostly have a surplus of nutrients caused by feeding and the resulting fish excrement. Thus nitrates and phosphates in large (often too large!) quantities are available for the plants.

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Are aquarium fertilisers with trace elements dangerous for shrimps?

It’s no wonder that shrimp enthusiasts are unsure when they read the composition of high-quality aquarium fertilisers. Copper! All the alarm bells are ringing. We would like to clear up the confusion and give you some valuable background knowledge.

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New JBL Fertilisers - Green Bottles for Green Fingers

Now that LED has become a feature of the vast majority of aquariums, it’s time to test your fertiliser compositions and perhaps readjust your dosages.

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Laboratórios e Calculadoras

Calculador de substrato ProScape

Find out what quantities of the various substrates you require. Please choose the suitable product from the summary selection. Then enter the surface and the height the substrate needs to cover here.

Análise da água, laboratório online

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Guias práticos (Tema)

Crescimento de plantas

Are your aquarium plants growing as well you want? Here’s how to achieve perfect plant growth

Sintomas de carência

Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Combate às algas

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Tratamento de plantas

What maintenance measures do your aquarium plants need?

Tratamento diário

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Planeamento e povoamento

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Tratamento de plantas

What care do your plants need in the aquarium?

Aquecedor de fundo

Why does a substrate heating promote plant growth? How does a substrate heating work?


Why do aquarium plants need to be fertilised?

Tipos de plantas

Quais são as espécies de plantas adequadas para o seu aquário? Quais são os requisitos de cada espécie?


Which aquarium plants are best? What’s the best way to plant them?


What is the perfect substrate? Which material is suitable? What‘s the right grain size?

Montagem do aquário

How is an aquarium set up? What do you have to consider? Step by step to a beautiful aquarium

Fertilização de plantas com CO2

How important is CO2 plant fertilisation? Why do your plants need additional CO2? How does a CO2 system work?


How do you illuminate your aquarium properly? What are the advantages of the different lighting methods? How long should the lights be on? What do the light colours mean?

Tipos de aquários biótopos (habitat)

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Tipo de aquário com paisagismo aquático JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Tipo de aquário selvagíneo JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Tipo de aquário com peixes-dourados JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Tipo de aquário de recife JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Manual de Instruções

Indicações de segurança

  • Instruções de segurança para condicionadores de água
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Recensões de clientes


Avaliação global: 5.0
7 Avaliações públicas para este produto.

0 Recensões

7 mostrar mais recensões em outros idiomas

7 Recensões noutros idiomas

LadyDiscus - Polonês

LadyDiscus - Polonês

LadyDiscus - Polonês

AquaBoxOfficial - Alemão

Hab es in mein Becken unter JBL Manado Dark gepackt die Pflanzen kommen alle super und sind immer gut versorgt.

nemophilist_scaper - Inglês

The nice thing about this product is its longevity. You can have it for up to 5 years and the plants will keep growing healthily

LadyDiscus - Polonês


Aquarianer_Lehrling - Alemão

Nutze Ich in allen meinen Becken, tolle Qualität und super Nährstoffe für die Pflanzen. Darauf kommt Sansibar und der Boden ist perfekt;)

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