JBL Termómetro de aquário digital
Termómetro digital para aquários

  • Elevada precisão de medição e peixes saudáveis: termómetro digital para aquários
  • Utilização simples: colar do lado de fora no vidro do aquário.
  • Identificação da gama de temperatura ideal
  • Próprio para água doce e salgada
  • Incluído: 1 Termómetro digital para aquários
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Preço: 4,39 €
Preço de venda recomendado, incl. IVA
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Informações sobre o produto

Peixes e plantas saudáveis
Os peixes dependem de uma temperatura ambiente correta, uma vez que sendo animais de sangue frio, não conseguem regular a sua própria temperatura corporal. As funções vitais dos animais poiquilotérmicos diminuem com a diminuição da temperatura. A temperatura correta do aquário é, portanto, deveras importante para garantir uma ingestão de alimentos perfeita e um bom funcionamento do metabolismo.
Dependendo da origem dos peixes, a temperatura, em que estes se sentem confortáveis, varia. Com o termómetro digital para aquários JBL, é possível ter melhor controlo visual da temperatura.

Medição precisa
O termómetro digital para aquários proporciona uma elevada precisão de medição e pode ser facilmente colado no vidro do aquário pelo exterior.


JBL Termómetro de aquário digital

N.º de artigo:
Número EAN:
13 cm
Volume embalagem:
0.1 l
Peso ilíquido:
8 g
Peso líquido:
1 g
Conversão de peso:
Dimensões embalagem (c/a/l):
5/218/96 mm


Espécie animal: Artémias, Aruanã-prateado, Axolotes, Barbos, Bivalves, Caboz, Calictídeos, Camarões do género Macrobrachium, Camarões-anões, Caracóis, Caranguejos, Caudas-de-véu, Characiformes, Ciclídeos (América do Sul), Ciclídeos papagaio, Cobitídeos, Corais, Crustáceos, Crustáceos das guelras, Cágado tropical, Cágados, Danioninae, Discus, Enguias espinhosas, Flowerhorn, Gouramis, Guppy, Killies, Killifish, Lagostins anões, Peixes arco íris, Peixes borboleta-africanos, Peixes combatentes, Peixes dourados, Peixes jovens, Peixes-gato, Peixes-labirinto, Polipterídeos/peixes-corda, Rãs-de-unhas-africanas, Tartarugas aquáticas, Tetraodontídeos, Tritões, Vivíparos
Tamanho do animal: Para todos os tamanhos de animais
Grupo etário do animal: Todos os peixes de aquário
Volume do habitat: Para todos os aquários
Material: Vidro
Cor: branco / preto

Etiqueta eletrónica / iluminação

Mercúrio: Não
Dimerizável: Não
How do you read the digital adhesive thermometer?

After sticking it to the aquarium glass, the JBL Aquarium Thermometer Digital needs a few minutes to acclimatise. The same applies with strong temperature changes. All the fields are black at first. The ambient temperature determines the colouring of the scale marks. The topmost clear colouring, let’s say it’s green/blue, is the current temperature. The areas above remain black, the scale points that have already been exceeded turn black again.

How long does it take for the adhesive thermometer to show the correct temperature?

When the adhesive thermometer (JBL Aquarium Thermometer Digital) is first attached to the aquarium glass, it reacts with a slight delay. Float glass transmits up to approx. 85% of the heat. For this reason, the thermometer needs a few minutes after its application to adjust to the temperature. Even after a significant water change, the fluctuations are displayed with a slight time delay, but remain within the available scale.

Blogue (Opiniões e experiências)

Thermometers for the aquarium – an overview

Ensuring the best living conditions for your aquarium pets should always be your top priority. And temperature plays a central role in this. A thermometer is therefore an indispensable instrument...

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Summer heat - But not in the aquarium, please!

If you own an aquarium you’ll be asking yourself what effects the heat has on your aquarium and on your fish. We’ll tell you and explain what to do.

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JBL TV #54 The right water temperature – all the facts about temperature in the aquarium

A conversation with the chief biologist of the Sealife Centre in Speyer about issues which can arise in some water temperatures.

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JBL TV #45: Optimum water values in the freshwater aquarium - 15 parameters explained simply

Biologist Heiko Blessin explains in an easy to follow way what the individual water values mean.

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JBL TV #36: Home moving with an aquarium - How to move smoothly from A to B

If a home move with the aquarium is well prepared, it will not cause any problems.

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JBL TV #28 Part 3: Aquarium care is so easy! Every 2 weeks.

We show you everything you need to do in a 2-week rhythm and how to do it properly.

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JBL TV #28 Part 2: Aquarium care is so easy! Weekly measures

What do you need to do every week? We explain everything that needs to be done once a week.

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JBL TV #28 Part 1: Aquarium care is so easy! Daily measures

How to care for your aquarium properly. What needs doing on a daily basis?

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Cooling Aquariums – Summer Heat in Aquariums

Summer means sweat, because even within our homes the temperature rises steadily. This can also be discerned in the aquarium.

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Display Accuracy vs. Measuring Accuracy - Different Results When Measuring Temperatures

You may find the differences that can arise when measuring the temperature with different measuring instruments and methods, confusing. Most people tend to trust a digital device more than an analog device. Is this justified?

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Winter: Temperature Issues in the Aquarium

Not every aquarium is situated in a heated living space like your cozy living room. The temperature can be as low as 12 - 14 °C at night in some rooms of the house or apartment.

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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Testing Water in the Jungle

Our 15 expeditions have taught us something new: In natural waters nitrogens (ammonium/ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and phosphates are ALWAYS scarce and below the limit of detection. Only when humans have an influence on the natural water, can nitrogens and phosphates be found.

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Useful Tools For The Terrarium

Tweezers, nets, thermo- and hygrometers and locks. These tools make it easy for you to work in your terrarium.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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JBL heaters for discus fish

The Discus Championship 2024, held for the fifth time in Dortmund, relies on the reliable JBL PROTEMP s heater thermostats and JBL thermometers with an accuracy of +/- 1 °C to regulate the water temperature for the precious discus fish.

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Laboratórios e Calculadoras

Análise da água, laboratório online

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Guias práticos (Tema)

Sintomas de carência

Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Água salgada

There is a solution to almost every problem! And the hardest part is finding the cause of the problem.

Crescimento de plantas

Are your aquarium plants growing as well you want? Here’s how to achieve perfect plant growth

Reduzir valores de água problemáticos

How to lower critical water values.


Recognising and treating fish and invertebrate diseases

Tratamento de água salgada

What maintenance does your marine aquarium need?

Tratamento diário

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Espécies de peixes

Which fish species suit your aquarium? What demands do the fish species have?

Tipos de invertebrados

What invertebrate animals are suitable for your aquarium? What demands do invertebrates have? What do you need to consider for their care?

Criação de peixes de aquário

Would you also like to breed your fish? What do you have to consider when breeding?


How to catch fish properly without causing them stress? How to transport and add fish?

Planeamento e povoamento

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Aquecedor de fundo

Why does a substrate heating promote plant growth? How does a substrate heating work?

Água salgada - a água

What exactly is marine water? What is so special about marine water? How to create perfect marine water?

Instalação técnica

How and where in the aquarium do you fix and install technical items? Tips and tricks for the installation of all technical aquarium products

Encher de água

Here’s how to add water to your aquarium? Adding water without disturbing your aquarium made easy. Tips and tricks for adding water.

Equipamento técnico para água salgada

What is the difference between a marine and a freshwater aquarium? What is especially needed for a marine aquarium?

Aquecer e refrigerar

Why is 25 °C ideal? This is how to heat or cool aquarium water

Local do aquário

Where is the best place for your aquarium? What do you need to consider when choosing where to put it?

O aquário de água salgada

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Tipos de aquários biótopos (habitat)

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Tipo de aquário com paisagismo aquático JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Tipo de aquário selvagíneo JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Tipo de aquário de recife JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Tipo de aquário com peixes-dourados JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Meios auxiliares

There are useful accessories and there are completely useless objects which only cost money and serve no purpose. We’ll list the most important utensils to save you time and make your terrarium maintenance easier.

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1 Avaliação pública para este produto.

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