Forbice "a onde" per la cura delle piante in acquari

  • Potatura professionale di piante da prato e piante difficili da raggiungere nei paesaggi acquascaping: forbice "a onde" per la cura delle piante nell'aquascaping
  • Facile utilizzo: fori di 27 mm per dita forti, lavorare senza faticare grazie al suo peso leggero: 51,8 g, lunghezza: 20 cm
  • Superficie particolarmente liscia: acciaio giapponese di alta qualità, inossidabile, estrema precisione nel taglio
  • Suggerimento per la cura: dopo l'utilizzo nell'acqua marina sciacquare con acqua dolce
  • Contenuto: 1 forbice "a onda" per aquascaping, ProScape Tool S wave
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Prezzo: 55,28 €
Prezzo di vendita raccomandato incl. IVA
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Informazioni sul prodotto

Giardinaggio subacqueo
Il termine aquascaping indica la tecnica di creare paesaggi negli acquari. Questi possono essere fantastiche composizioni di piante, riproduzioni di paesaggi terrestri o di habitat naturali. Un acquario aquascaping ospita pochi pesci e invertebrati o ne è addirittura privo.

Pro Scape Tool wave
La forbice a onda è particolarmente adatta per la cura dei prati subacquei.



Codice EAN:
20 cm
Volume imballaggio:
0.51 l
Peso lordo:
76 g
Peso netto:
52 g
Fattore peso:
Dimensioni confezione (L/A/P):
28/260/70 mm


Specie animale: Arowana, Assolotti, Barbi, Calamittidi del Calabar, Caracidi, Ciclidi (America del Sud), Cobitidi, Coralli, Danioninae, Discus, Epiplatys, Flowerhorn, Gamberetti nani, Gobidi, Guppy, Killifish, Mastacembelidi, Pesci arcobaleno, Pesci combattenti, Pesci farfalla, Pesci labirintici, Pesci palla, Pesci rossi, Siluri, Tartaruga scivolatrice, Tartarughe d'acqua, Tartarughe palustri, Veiltail, avannotti, conchiglie, crostacei, lumache, tritoni, vivipari
Dimensioni dell'animale: Per animali di tutte le taglie
Gruppo età animali: Tutti i pesci d'acquario
Volume dell'habitat: Per tutti gli acquari
Materiale: Metallo (acciaio giapponese)
C'olore: argento

Etichetta elettronica / lampadina

Mercurio: no
A intensità regolabile: no
Qual è il metodo migliore per la manutenzione dei miei attrezzi?

Anche gli attrezzi migliori hanno bisogno di cura. Visto che i sali sono presenti non solo in acqua salata ma anche in quella dolce, è consigliabile sciacquare sotto acqua corrente i JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS e asciugarli dopo l'uso. Così si rimuovono le tracce di sale rimaste che a lungo andare farebbero corrodere l'acciaio inossidabile. Come per i freni a disco delle macchine, può capitare che arrugginiscano. Quindi se ti sei dimenticato di farlo, puoi rimuovere facilmente il sale adesso. Puoi inoltre trattare la vite al centro delle forbici con JBL SiliconeSpray.

Perché sui miei utensili c’è della ruggine?

Gli utensili ProScape sono d’acciaio inox giapponese, che è una qualità d’acciaio resistente alla corrosione e agli acidi.
La ruggine tuttavia non può essere completamente prevenuta. Questi utensili sono estremamente resistenti alla ruggine. Tuttavia, in acqua dolce si trovano numerosi sali. Per questo gli utensili devono essere asciugati dopo ogni uso. Se ciò non accade, i sali dopo un po’ inizieranno a corrodere il materiale e questo si arrugginirà.

Blog (opinioni & esperienze)

JBL TV #47: Gardening in the aquarium - inserting plants correctly

How do you plant aquarium plants correctly? Our biologist Heiko Blessin shows you how!

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Why is there the JBL PROSCAPE programme in addition to the JBL PROFLORA?

There is a lot of feeding in a community aquarium and this provides a certain amount of nitrogen and phosphates. In a plant-dominated aquarium these nutrients are in short supply and need to be added separately.

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JBL TV #28 Part 4: Aquarium care is so easy! Monthly tasks.

How to care for your aquarium properly: What do you need to do every month?

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JBL TV #28 Part 2: Aquarium care is so easy! Weekly measures

What do you need to do every week? We explain everything that needs to be done once a week.

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JBL TV #19 Part 4: Aquarium set-up - inserting aquarium plants and adding the water

If you’d like to set up an aquarium and learn how to insert aquarium plants and add the water, we’ll explain how to do it.

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ADM Team Bernd Terletzki: Wind through the Tabletop Mountains

A deep gorge cuts through the middle of the tabletop mountains in Venezuela. The wind propels the rushing water and the fish play in the water currents flowing through the tiny crevices.

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ADM (Aquarium Design Meisterschule) Team Garvin Borschewski: Eastwind

The basic idea for this year's ADM was for the apprentices to try out the (currently very popular) technique of gluing wood and stones with superglue and cigarette filters.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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(MSAD) Master School of Aquarium Design Team 5: The Island-Style Aquarium

The intention was to use roots and stone to create two islands, separated from each other by sand or a dense carpet of ground cover plants.

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(MSAD) Master School of Aquarium Design Team 3: The Triangular Layout

This layout consists of nothing but a beautiful, very unusual piece of wood which has been carefully positioned in the aquarium along the principles of the golden ratio.

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Masterclass squadra 2: Albero vicino al letto del fiume

The dimensions of the aquarium they were given and its built-in filter inlet and outlet, lead this team to choose a nature aquarium with a triangular layout. The motive shows the bottom of a tree protruding into a riverbed.

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MSAD Team 1: Mirror For A Pond

Garvin, der bekanntermaßen gern Effekte mit Spiegeln, LED-Beleuchtungen und Höhlen erzeugt, hat mit seinen Schülerinnen eine Wasserfläche unter Wasser vorgeschlagen. Eine der beiden Schülerinnnen hatte die Idee, damit einen Flusslauf mit hineinragenden Bäumen an seinem Ufer zu gestalten.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design 2018

“Wow – that’s beautiful“. This how people typically react upon seeing a lovingly created aquarium landscape. Whether an aquascape, biotope or community aquarium - creativity knows no bounds.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design: Join In!

A dream aquarium of your own design? Have you ever wanted to recreate a dream aquarium you’ve seen somewhere, but don’t know how? Do you sometimes wonder how famous scapers have set up the aquariums they display online?

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The world’s best aquascapers use JBL products

Although aquascaping is an art, any aquarium owner can set up an aquarium artistically.

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JBL ProScape Tools

The JBL ProScape tools meet the requirements of the professional aquascaping perfectly. They are produced from high-quality steel, made in Japan, (with an extremely smooth surface) for scissors with the best quality and the highest cutting precision.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Event Report: Master School of Aquarium Design 2017

Aquatics is a hobby full of emotions, creativity and fun. Numerous competitions to set up aquariums in all kinds of styles have sprung up during the last few years. Whether locally or in the internet – competitions are a ten a penny.

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Cutting plants – Here’s how

Why do you need different scissors? Well, in the garden you use also different tools to suit different tasks.

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Inserting plants – here’s how

Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers (JBL ProScape Tool P slim line), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly!

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.

Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation.

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Getting your plants ready for working on – here’s how

Here’s how to get your plants ready properly: using strong scissors (JBL ProScape Tool S straight), cut off the rock wool around the plant roots (here Hemianthus calithrichoides cuba).

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Tools for creation and care of an aquarium

Every aquarium owner needs the right tools to create and maintain their aquariums. Designed to fit the requirements of professional aquascaping and normal aquariums perfectly.

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Plant care: How can water tests help?

Ideally water looks crystal-clear, yet pollutants are often invisible. That’s why clear water might still be toxic.

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How to scape an aquarium

This is where to find a quick start guide for the scaping of an aquarium. Using pictures we show you in easy steps how to create your own scape and make your aquarium a perfect ProScape. Clean the aquarium with . Never use household cleaners. Pile up lava granulate ( ) to create a stable foundation for the stones or wood to be placed on. The lava granulate prevents...

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What is so special about the care of a ProScape?

The maintenance measures for a “normal” aquarium consist of nothing more than a partial water change of about 30% every two weeks and cutting back the aquarium plants which have grown too long.

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Creating Dreamscapes under Water

Sooner or later every aquarist reaches the point where he wants more than "just" an aquarium with fish and plants. Perhaps he wants to simulate a landscape above water, such as a mountain range with woods or some special habitat (biotope), inside his aquarium.

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#HannoverScape2016 – Rankings

Last weekend the final of the aquarium design competition #HannoverScape2016 took place. Together with the organizer of the event we now would like to present the final placements.

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Gioco a premi di Capodanno. Inizia l'anno dell'acquario 2016 con una JBL ToolBag ben allestita.

In the new section myJBL you will regularly find exciting new competitions. And to start the year we’ve thought up a nice little activity for you.

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ProScape „Sulawesi Cliffs” by Jessica Runde

We asked some Proscapers to present their work to our community, which means you. Jessica Runde created a model aquarium at home several months ago and recorded its setting-up and development with JBL ProScape in videos and photos.

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Oxygen Explosion in the Aquarium – The Right Fertilisation

Every evening my aquarium resembles a “whirlpool“ with a thousand little oxygen bubbles. This is the time I relax and wind down after a long day.

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ProScape: „Escarpment“ – an endorser Aquascape report

We asked some Proscapers to present their work to our community, which means you. Phillip Tauchmann created a model aquarium at home several months ago and recorded its setting-up and development with JBL ProScape in videos and photos.

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How to create a ProScape - The making of „Scaping Four“

From the idea to the finished layout it needs some planning. What materials do I need and where do I get them? This is assuming you have already decided on a style.

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JBL New Year Competition – Start the New Year with the JBL ToolBag.

JBL has a lot of fun in store for aquascapers. In the New Year Competition every participant has the chance to win one of 10 packed tool bags (JBL ProScape ToolBag).

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Scaping Four - Aquascaping Livestream-Event

In Wien treffen sich vier bekannte ProScaper und Sie können live am PC oder Smartphone via Livestream dabei zusehen.

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A good tool is worth its weight in gold

Just like a cheap spanner would drive any handyman mad, bad scissors or pincers can make aquarists livid!

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Manuali (area tematica)

Lotta contro le alghe

Così combatti le alghe in maniera duratura ed efficace.

Cura delle piante

Di quale manutenzione necessitano le tue piante d'acquario?

Cura quotidiana

Cosa comporta la manutenzione giornaliera o settimanale? Quali sono le misure di manutenzione elementari per il tuo acquario?

Utensili utili

Quali strumenti e utensili ti facilitano la manutenzione dell'acquario? Cosa è veramente necessario?

Cura delle piante

Di quali cure necessitano le tue piante d'acquario?


Perché vanno concimate le piante dell'acquario?


Come si inseriscono correttamente le piante nell'acquario?

Specie di piante

Quali specie di piante si adattano al tuo acquario? Quali sono le esigenze delle singole specie?


Quali piante risultano ideali per il tuo acquario? Come si inseriscono correttamente?

Acquari tipo biotopo (habitat)

Un vero pezzo dell'Amazzonia o del Congo direttamente dal cuore dell'Africa? Un acquario tipo habitat (biotopo) costituisce una sfida. Sei capace di copiare la natura?

Acquario tipo aquascape JBL Dreamscape®

Montagne, valli, prati e pesci! Costruisciti il tuo paesaggio da sogno sott'acqua nell'acquario Dreamscape®

Acquario tipo giungla JBL Rio Pantanal®

Un tratto di fiume nella giungla nel tuo soggiorno. Vita vivace subacquea! Nessun problema con l'acquario JBL Rio Pantanal®

Acquario tipo scogliera JBL Malawi Rocks®

I pesci del lago Malawi sono colorati quanto quelli delle barriere coralline. Questo acquario porterà un po’ di barriera corallina d’acqua dolce nel tuo salotto

L'acquario marino

Passa le tue vacanze sulla barriera corallina nel salotto! Un acquario marino è la forma più avvincente dell'acquariofilia.

Acquario tipo "pesci rossi" JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Pesci rossi vispi arricchiscono perfettamente ogni stanza. Con un acquario per pesci rossi puoi integrare questi nuovi inquilini a casa tua.

Ulteriori informazioni sui prodotti e download

  • JBL ProScape Tool S wave oam Magazin 2014-09
  • JBL ProScape Tool S wave Aquascapia Produktvorstellung
  • JBL ProScape Tool S wave Aram Schneider Aqua Scaping

Norme di sicurezza

  • Avvertenze di sicurezza per accessori
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Recensioni clienti


Valutazione complessiva: 5.0
12 valutazione pubblica di questo prodotto.

1 Recensione


Qualità eccellente e comoda per dare forma a qualsiasi paesaggio acquatico. Mi sono trovato bene anche nel potare le piante basse nel mio Olandese.

11 mostrare ulteriori valutazioni in altre lingue

11 Recensioni in altre lingue

scapingmania - Alemanno

Ein kleiner Nachtrag zu meiner Rezension vom Dienstag, 18. April 2023

Die Schere ist immer noch Messerscharf und in meinem Einsatz. Für mich bis jetzt die beste Wave Schere und noch kein Rost zu finden. Super Qualität und einfach eine Top Schere


Z. Khawaja - Alemanno

Für den bodendecker top

scapingmania - Alemanno

Ist für mich einfach die Beste Schere. Ich muss zugeben das ich diese Schere für alles nutze.. von Bodendecker bis Radikalem Schnitt bis Formschnitt.... Seit 2 JAhren im Einsatz noch keine Roststellen und Scharf wie am anfang.. ist sein Geld wert.. würde ich immer einer billigen amaz** schere vorziehen



german_monstertank - Alemanno

Meine absolute Lieblings Schere für alle Situationen

Aquamahh - Francese

Great quality as always, very useful fort carpet and narrow scapes

dr_scaper - Polacco

This is one of my favourite tools ;)

nemophilist_scaper - Inglese

I have got the whole Pro Scape tools products and I have to say that I am amazed with the quality of these products... You can plant plants easily without damaging their roots and without extra effort!

It looks and feels premium product due to the high quality stainless steel that JBL has used!


Aquaklausi - Alemanno

Meine absolute Lieblingsschere.

Benutze sie zum normalen trimmen meiner Pflanzen und zum Formschnitten.

Die Curved ist perfekt zum schneiden von Bodendeckern.

Wichtig ist eine sehr spitze scharfe Schere wie diese hier zu haben, um auch in den Ecken des Beckens gut arbeiten zu können.

tangelo.shrimps - Alemanno

Sehr High Quality und professionell, ich hatte früher immer Probleme beim Schneiden meiner BodengrundPflanze mit einer anderen Pflanzenschere, aber nachdem ich diese Schere von JBL verwendet habe, ist sie so einfach zu benutzen, dass sie mit ihrer gebogenen Form perfekt ist, um alle Bodenpflanzen Arten zu schneiden. :D

mr.wethands - Alemanno

Super Schere. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Sie ist super um Teppiche zu trimmen und auch für Moos super.

langlang_shrimps langlang_design - Alemanno

Tolles Produkt! Sehr gut verarbeitet und sehr scharf! Die Wellenschere ermöglicht einem auch an schwerer erreichbaren Stellen zu kommen

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