Oczyszczanie wody za pomocą UV-C
Crystal clear water thanks to UV-C water clarifiers
There are three reasons your water becomes cloudy
There are several kinds of cloudiness! That’s what makes troubleshooting different and you have to find out which type of cloudiness it is.
A good water clarifier ( JBL PROCRISTAL UV-C Compact plus 36 W ) will help you tackle the first and second cause by reliably and quickly killing off bacteria and floating algae. The water passes a light bulb inside the device which emits UV-C radiation to kill off the bacteria and floating algae. If you install the UV-C water clarifier IN FRONT OF your pond filter it will catch the dead bacteria and algae and you can remove this the next time you clean the filter.
If your pond filter is still fairly new the use of a UV-C clarifier IN FRONT of the filter would prevent cleansing bacteria from colonising it. Then it’s important to use JBL FilterStart Pond to activate your filter.
Brownish cloudiness needs better and stronger filtering to remove the dirt particles from your pond water effectively. Sometimes the use of a finer filter media ( JBL Gąbka filtracyjna niebieska gęsta ) will also help.