JBL CristalProfi i100

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CRISTALPROFI i100 greenline
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JBL CristalProfi i100

Nr Art.:
Numer EAN:
300-800 l/h
11 W
Pojemność Opakowanie:
4.95 l
Masa brutto:
1382 g
Masa netto:
1192 g
Przeliczenie wagi:
Wymiary opakowania (dł/wys/sz):
116/305/140 mm


Etykieta elektroniczna / Żarówki

Rtęć: Nie
Możliwość ściemniania: Nie

Dane techniczne

My filter won’t start back up again. What should I do ?

Please check the following: remove the pump head from the filter casing, remove the impeller cover and check whether the impeller is stuck. Remove the impeller and clean it and the impeller shaft. Afterwards reinstall the parts. Then shortly insert the plug into the socket. The impeller will run again and the magnetic force should be noticeable.

Why is the power consumption of the filter lower/higher than what is indicated on the packaging ?

Unfortunately, we must assume that the value displayed on your ammeter is incorrect. There are numerous ammeters which do not include the blank value (cosinus phi) in measurements correctly.

You can only determine the actual output of a filter with a corrected device or by multiplying the voltage times the current (amperes) that is measured:

V * A * cos Phi = W.

However, it is advisable to gauge the flow rate by litres for operation in an aquarium. The external filters have the following flow rates in a cleaned condition and with a hose length of 1.5 m:

CristalProfi e700: 350-400 l/h
CristalProfi e900: 380-450 l/h
CristalProfi e1500: 800-900 l/h

The magnets of the internal filter will not stay in place with a glass thickness of more than 10 mm.

The magnets have been tested extensively and hold securely in their corner in tanks with a glass thickness of up to 12 mm. It is often advisable to use 3 magnets if the glass is more than 10 mm thick so that they are secure enough and won’t fall off in case of a small jolt.

What helps with green water in the aquarium?

Green water means floating algae, which grow when they have no competition from other plants and, even more, when the excrement of the fish creates excessive nutrient pollution in the water. The filter will not be able to do much about this. Ultimately, there are only two options:

1. Carry out significantly more water changes in order to remove the nutrients caused by fish excrement.

2. A JBL PROCRISTAL UV-C Compact plus kills off the floating algae.

A temporary measure is to switch off the light for 2-3 days in order to stop photosynthesis in the algae.

Why aren’t any bubbles coming out of my filter?

According to your description, a small bubble appears periodically in the impeller housing of the CristalProfi and is then transported out of the filter.

If air enters the filter system, this may be an indication that a seal is no longer tight or that connecting pieces don’t close tightly, for example. Since there is a constant slight low pressure during operation, this doesn’t necessarily become noticeable. In the event that there is a leak of this kind, you can test by switching off the filter temporarily, in which case a small amount of water would escape at the leaky spot. Caution: This test should only be carried out with careful monitoring.

Another possibility: The filter material may be very heavily soiled, which may result in the formation of fermentation gas which is pressed out of the filter periodically.

The third possibility: Adding carbon dioxide through the suction nozzle, which we discourage.

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